10. Soldier-Leader-Legend

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Next day , Steve was standing next to Natasha in his new suit in front of fifty Strike agents.

Fury came forward ," Agents, you all worked as individuals till now on different secret missions. Now you all will work as a team led by the great Captain America himself. Since our childhood we keep hearing his bravery stories and now we all very glad that he'll work with us along with Agent Romanoff. So good luck.
Captain.....;"he gestured towards Steve to take the stage.

Steve came forward two steps and attached his shield on his back strap and straightened his posture . He inhaled deeply and looked all the fifty agents in front of him proudly. Not on himself for being Captain America or gonna lead this team, but because, he found himself in between soldiers , with him , surrounded by him , beside him , where he always wanted to belong.

Natasha stood there admiring him. The way he held his head high , his brave , courageous, will powered, soldier, a fighter, a hero, an ideal human being , all his nature and characters showed in his face and body language.

He was no more looking like a nervous, unknown lost man in this new world, no more looking like the guy who lost hundreds of time in sparring. His posture stood like Captain America, the Hero, which he is .

She remembered before the New York battle, Tony Stark taunted him by saying everything special about him was made in a bottle. That moment she realised how wrong he sounded.

Now looking at Steve she realised that, super soldier serum doesn't make him special, but this man , Steve Rogers, who claims himself just a kid from Brooklyn, not Captain America, was special. The mantle Captain America doesn't make Steve honoured , but instead, Steve made the mantle Captain America looked like honourable. Steve, he himself makes him special, not the super serum.

Her train of thought broke when Steve cleared his throat," Here, on my initial days, I told someone that the world haven't changed as much as I expected.," He and Natasha smiled softly on the memory of their one of the previous conversation, while Maria and Fury raised their eyebrows amusingly.

Steve continued," And director Fury told me that, this is not army department, so he can't refer anyone as Soldier ," Fury rolled his eyes while Natasha and Hill smiled.

But Steve's face remained serious," Whoever stands for someone, whoever fights for someone else risking their own well-being they should called as Soldier. You all are soldier. So as I was saying, this remained same, soldiers remained same , their moral and duty remained same , to serve others.

I know one thing sure , that soldiers need to trust each other, even with their lives. If we are gonna fight in a war and death would standing in front of us , I would risk my life for my brother beside me , so that he could survive and win the war which we intend to win. So that my sacrifice wouldn't go worthless. Soldier means Sacrifice. If I would backed off and ran away from death , then how could I expect that my soldier brother would survive and win the war we started ??,"

His voice boomed in the hall and it became pindrop silence.

" If we all turn around and ran back from the threat, then we'll must would get ourselves killed. So we have to face it , what ever it would be. If I would sacrifice myself , for anyone from all of you, I would knew I may not be survive , I might not be go back to my home, but at least, I could die smiling, knowing that my brother beside me would go back to his family to get another chance in his life." He finished really smiling sadly and inhaled a long breath , felt like he said to himself all this.

Everyone in the hall could sense his sadness but in between they also could see his determination. Unknowingly everyone's postures changed inside, like a storm of emotion waved through them.

Fury stood there slowly nodding his head, looking down. Maria's conditions also the same but she maintained her professional postures but inside many things were going through in her mind hearing all this. The agents straightened their position more and a wave of determining feeling waved through them, like they decided to , not to fear death and never give up just like Captain America.

But there stood the two broken and haunted souls side by side. Who knows better than Steve and Natasha, the equation of life and death ? Their life was full of these two things .

Every moment they thought they died , but after the very next second they found themselves alive. The job they were doing every moment of it was war , pain , hurt or even death.

Their own lives became a horrible war for themselves. Which they still fighting and will always fight till their last breath. This was the same point where they always collides . The pain of their own life.

Fury cleared his throat and ordered all agents to dismiss. All the agents left the hall with a respectful smile towards their leader, legend and captain. He turned towards Steve and Natasha, who seemed like they were in their own trance.

Both of them and Maria cleared their throat in the silent. Fury smiled a little ," Well I clearly didn't expected that . Where did all of this came from ??"

Steve turned a little bit red, embarassed on himself," I didn't realised, I was just trying to motivate them , but I guess, I ...just carried away. "

Fury gestured to Maria and they both walked towards exit door, but he turned around towards Steve and Natasha," By the way , everyone gets second chance in their lives someday. They just have to wait for the right opportunity to grab it. " He turned ahead to leave and shouted without glancing back," I don't want my agents get killed themselves by your motivational talks, Captain. " Maria looked back and smiled at them and walked out with Fury.

Natasha and Steve turned face to face and smiled at each other lightly.
She smiled genuinely remembering his speech ," Well I don't think anyone would get killed after hearing all those things you said ."

Steve smiled shaking his head," Its not like that , In a war we can't concentrate on our safety, we have to trust our partner for that , who would always get our back."

She smiled and him and walked out with him and turned towards Steve again," That was deep , but long and boring. Next time try some short speeches ."

Steve laughed along with Natasha and she bid good bye ," See you tomorrow for the mission Cap."

He smiled at her," Yeah ,you too " and they walked their different ways , to reunite again tomorrow.

So it's mission time in next chapter......


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