12. It's Mission Time

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Next day Steve and Natasha boarded the queenjet with 12 Strike agents on a mission. The mission was quite simple as Natasha's thought. Fury gave them slightly easy one as compared to previous, because Steve had no experience in SHIELD tactics. So basically it's a warm-up mission for all of them as a team.

Steve was sitting looking at distance, bouncing his legs, indicates he was very nervous. Natasha noticed and took a seat across him.," You ready Cap ? Looking nervous."

He inhaled deeply and shook his head," No I'm not. I just...... You know the feeling, when you start the same thing again, which you've failed in before."

She quickly stopped him ," You were never a failure."

He felt a little bit confident after seeing her faith on him and he stopped his leg bouncing. He calmed his nerves and nodded towards Natasha, " Brief the mission."

She nodded and addressed to all the agents," Well it's already 6:30 , so we will wait for sometime , until it's gets complete dark there . We'll enter their the safe house and four of you'd guard out at main gate, 6 of you at corridor and two will be with Captain Rogers at security entrance to knock out them or distract them, while I'll go inside and get all the information we need. "

Steve immediately protested," You can't just walk alone inside. They all could have armed. So I suggest, the 6 agents who were supposed to guard at corridor, 2 or 3 will go with you. Rest of us could manage at the security entrance and corridor both. If not, I'm coming with you inside. "

She felt like he questioned her ability. No way !!. But she couldn't notice worry laced in his serious voice. " We are not here for any mass attack or something, we're here to get the information about the weapon dealer, we sneak in there and get out from there with our job done and I'll go inside alone , no more discussions. "

Steve wanted to argue , but it didn't seem professional to him. Natasha knew it, that he would argue back , that's why she used her stern voice.

He let out a defeated sigh and nodded towards the agents," Okay, we're landing now. "

The mission progressed as planned, but Steve was feeling restless behind the cover. He didn't like her plan. It's not like his ego issues or something, it's just his passion and crave for always leading from the front.

And from the corner of his mind, he was little bit worried about Natasha. He trusted her ability fully, but still, going alone inside, it's always dangerous, right?.

After half an hour she returned from the security room, completing her mission. They both nodded towards each other and quality came out of the warehouse without being noticed, with all the agents unharmed. So their first mission completed after reaching head quarter and briefing Fury about the mission and called good night around 11 at night.

3-4 weeks passed like that. Every week they got 2 - 3 missions , only on night. All are being successful, without any casualties, just few scratches and a bullet on leg of an agent.

But deep down, Steve was getting frustrated by every passing mission. Because he wouldn't do anything. His job was just to choke or knock out enemies guard, or few times saved Natasha from getting caught, if only she couldn't handle herself.

And Natasha, just as usual completes her mission finely, even if that would be very hard, she wouldn't let anyone help her. That thing frustrated Steve even more. But he doesn't let anyone notice that , he always keep the facade of professionalism.

Now here they are, another mission.
But Steve had a feeling that this time it wouldn't be that easy. He even noticed, when Fury was giving them the mission, Natasha stiffed for a millisecond, of course she masked it and he was sure of it. So he concluded that he had to give all his concentration on this.

They were with 20 Strike agents and all of them took cover at different locations , connected through coms.

Now left Steve and Natasha only, who sneaked through the hallway covering themselves. When they were about to reach for the stairs, she stopped him," You have to stay here. All our agents covered at the ground floor, so you have to handle at the middle and I could manage with our target."

When she was about to walk away,
he held her arm stopping from uncovering," Wait, that guy is at 5th floor, two floors upstairs from here. It could be very risky, let's go little bit closer."

She denied," No , I can handle it, if anything goes wrong, I'll give you a heads up. "

Steve reluctantly nodded and held his wrist close to his mouth, to inform all agents through the coms." Be ready, we're starting now. Copy that."

Natasha nodded and sprinted upstairs and Steve held his shield in front , positioned himself behind the cover.

After 15 minutes He heared some muffled voice through the coms," Agent Romanoff, status."

No reply......

He became slightly worried," Agent Romanoff, this is Captain Rogers, what's your status, I repeat. "

No reply, just Muffled voice .

He became more worried," Romanoff , do you copy?!"

Suddenly her com line went off for some seconds and he tried again , more worried," Natasha what's happening there, is everything alright?!"

He called her name for the first time, but instead of wired , it sounded panicked and impatient caring.

" Captain, what's the order for us ?"
came through his com from one of the agents.

He tried to calm himself," Stay covered."

Just then he heared more muffled noise. No it's something else , like wet, or something licking noise, he narrowed his eyebrows to concentrate more. It's sounded like something.....or someone..WHAT!!!!.....It's KISSING!!!!!

His eyes widened and he ran upstairs uncovering himself, grabbing attention of the guards.

" Stay covered ", he ordered the agents while throwing everyone came on his way. He ran and ran through the hallway, corridor and stairs breaking doors , just like first time he woke up at the New York City hospital.

The guards started firing and he deflected all bullets using his shield , but he didn't stop, breaking every door and checking , desperately trying to find her.

He barged broke randomly a door and saw their target sat there face to face with Natasha.

His blood boiled and ran towards them , held the collar of his and threw him to the wall knocking him out . But....when that guy fell unconsciously on the floor, he came to his real sense.

Worry and anger took over him that much that he didn't realise, when he entered inside just some seconds before, breaking the door, Natasha was actually kept that guy at gunpoint!!!!

When he turned around to find Natasha in her black tank top , a gun in her hand , looking absolutely annoyed. So that was just her plan!!! . Great.

He couldn't decide whether sigh in relief or smack himself for ruining the mission. She also thought the same , whether laugh on the worry and anger expression on his face for her or shoot him for ruining the mission.

She picked up her cat suit jacket from ground, wearing and glaring at him. He looked away from her , stuttering," I ...um...I thought um....something went wrong....,".

She harshly cut him off," You ruined this mission Rogers, he was gonna spill all the information, but you barged inside in your stupid thoughts. "

He got a little bit angry and wanted to argue when guards started firing towards them continuously. Natasha held two guns and pressed her com ," Mission abort , prepare the jet , copy that hurry." glaring at him once again and sneaked through another direction from of the guards. " Today you're gonna brief about the failed mission to Fury , remember."

Steve nodded and both ran to the queenjet and headed towards head quarter with all the agents.


Was it unnecessary for Steve to worry about her?????


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