43. Access to His Heart...

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Training to the new Avengers and some high-level SHIELD agents , who were there to help the Avengers as back-up, was very tiring. Plus , the bickering between Sam and Maria and the friendly annoying Wanda caused Steve and Natasha very axousting.

They returned to their floor where they found Clint talking to Laura on phone. Natasha smiled at Steve and called out entering her apartment," See you both at dinner ."

Clint hung up his call when Steve said ," How are Laura and the kids ?"

Clint laughed," Our little Nathaniel causing problems to her." And both went inside to fresh themselves.

The dinner went smoothly, laughing and talking. After that Steve and Natasha found themselves at the living room couch. When the two of them left alone, he hesitantly started," Hey, Nat?...uh , When SHIELD rescued me from ice , were you there at  that moment ?"

She averted her eyes from the Tv screen and looked at him nodding," Yes , but I wasn't there when they dragged you from ice , I was there when the SHIELD agents and Fury and Coulson brought you to the New York City hospital.  Why did you ask ?"

He turned a little bit red," um ..last night, I saw a glimpse of you in my dream , and I gauss it wasn't somewhere our first meeting, When you broke in to my apartment. " He teased a little.

She laughed then smirked," You had dreams about me ?"

Now he turned completely red ," No...I mean yes, but...It's not like that...I'm "

She laughed on his shauttring ," Relax old man, I'm not killing you."

He laughed and both enter inside the elevator and went to sleep saying good night to each other. At the night around one or two in the morning, she woke up from her sleep again. Well...nightmare.

She paced back and forth at the corridor. Her eyes landed on Steve's door. She remembered that night, When she slept with him at his apartment, on his bed next to him , holding hands under the cover , she didn't have a nightmare.

She hesitantly moved towards his apartment and put her hand on the door knob , just to check if it was opened. But the door clicked opened automatically. She got confused," Um...FRIDAY , what is it?"

The AI responded ," You have the Auto-Access to Captain's apartment , Ms. Romanoff. It's his order. "

" Does others have his access too?."

" No one, except you."

A small smile appeared on her face ," Should I feel special?"

" Yes, because you are. To him."

If FRIDAY would have been a person, Natasha could practically she her smirking at her. She entered inside his bedroom and saw , one of a dim light had turning on , on his bed side table. She came to his side and saw , tenced line on his forehead, increasing slowly. Means he was having a nightmare.

She sat on his bed , close to his head and slowly ran her fingers through his shining blonde hairs. His worry lines on his forehead disappeared after few minutes. She smiled at his sleeping face ," You're so tenced and so peaceful at the same time. " She ran her fingers through his hair one last time and stood up from his bed , then her eyes landed on the orange juice jar on the table.

She thought, if he would have woke up from his sleep , he would drink the juice. She drank two gulps and sat the half finished glass on the table. " Hmm, it really helped. " She turned towards him once and came out of his room closing the door behind her, slowly whispering," Good night, soldier. " and went to her room to get some sleep.

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