7. Training Days

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After 3 days , Steve reached at Triskellien Head Quarter on time and went inside to meet Fury. But he was not there. He had gone to solve some other issues regarding some security council. So now Maria Hill was temporarily in charge in absence of Fury.

He went inside Hill's cabin when she invites him inside and gestures to have a seat. Steve took a seat and looked around her small cabin than Fury. " Why are you not in Director's chamber ?"

Hill typed something on her computer and smiled at him. " Right now I'm Secretary in charge, not Director in charge, Captain ."

He let out a small smile, " Oh. So what should I do now ?"

She straightened herself on her chair " You are officially working under SHIELD now . Director Fury already arranged everything regarding your training and trial mission and a whole new team of best Strike agents. "

She paused and it seemed like she was hearing something through her earpiece , then she replied in her earpiece connected microphone ." Send her inside."

The glass door opened and Steve looked back to find Natasha walking in with a sharp and talented looking guy.
She looked at Steve and both of them nodded as greeting .

She took a seat beside him while the agent stood beside her politely.

Natasha looked at Hill and refered to that guy , " This is Thomas Kallien, his trainer in physical and weaponry."

That guy shook hands with Steve and Natasha turned towards Steve, " We are starting in next 2 hours, be ready at gym training room . Agent Kallien will be there with you." Saying this she walked out leaving three of them in Hill's cabin.

Steve looked at Hill and raised his eyebrows questioningly and she understood his confusion ."Oh . Director Fury has appointed Agent Romanoff to take care of all your mission training."

Thomas looked at Steve " Shall we head towards training hall ?". Steve nodded and said bye to Hill and followed Thomas to the training locker room.

Steve reached at training hall with Thomas, where Natasha was already there in her training suits. She raised her eyebrows and looked around to find all the female Agents are gawking at Steve. He was wearing a light grey t-shirt , which shows his muscles and abs perfectly and a blue track pant.

Steve followed her gaze to find all agents' eyes on him and awkwardly cleared his throat with a slight blush on his cheeks. She smirked on his blushing reaction. She didn't know why, but she found it adorable. What kind of man would blush nowadays for getting attention of females?

She referred to all the female Agent, "So if all your drooling over him is over , shall we get back to our work ?"

Listening this all of them hurriedly went to their own work while Steve found it more awkward.

But, Natasha couldn't help but stare at him . No doubt why all the female Agents were gawking at him. His blonde hairs were messy, she unknowingly wanted to run her fingers through them, his clean shaved face , blue eyes, where she wanted to sink herself deep and down, his rock hard abs , underneath his t-shirt, she wanted to run her palms over them, suddenly for no reason, she felt angry on his t-shirt which covering his body.

His pink lips......; Oh God, what happened to me, where did this kind of thoughts come from ?. She thought terrifically.

All the while Steve narrowed his eyes at her. Her eyes widened and she averted her gaze from him. " Let's start with rifle shooting. Agent Kallien " . She nodded at him to start.

Thomas handed Steve a modern rifle. Steve examined it carefully and took 2 - 3 shots , but they missed their target nearly. Natasha raised her eyebrows at him and he nervously examined it again. " Back then in Army, the rifles were used to be very heavy and long , these are something different, so....ok , again."

This time too 4 -5 bullets missed the target but he didn't avert his eyes and shoot next 10 -12 bullets perfectly at the centre of the target. He looked at the shot target with a satisfactory glint in his eye.

Next Steve and Thomas headed towards sparring ring while Natasha stood there outside observing them. Steve found himself uneasy initially, but overcame quickly and challenged him impressively . But suddenly he didn't realise how he fell on his back with a 'thud ' noise. He looked up surprised and Thomas held his hand to wake him up from the matters.

Steve took his hand stood up when Natasha came near to the ringside with her arms folded on her chest. " No worries, Captain . It was impressive. It'll get better with practice. So, see you both tomorrow at 10 in the morning. " With that she walked out of the training room.

Thomas shook hands with Steve with a polite smile. " Today you did amazing, Captain. It'll get better . I hope, I'm helping you enough. "

Steve shook his head in no." No no, you were actually amazing . I'm kinda surprised by your finishing. "

They took their bag from locker. " You'll learn it quickly, because I got that you are a quick learner. So see you tomorrow , Captain. "

Steve nodded and smiled at him and rode his motor bike towards his apartment.


Get ready for their sparring sessions ....Alone. Just Both of them..


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