9. Ready for Mission

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Next morning Steve noticed that Natasha's behaviour was unaffected by yesterday's incident. She acted strictly professional, she came closer to him and taught him how to tackle from behind by holding his hands, but she didn't show any effect . So he too shrugged it off , thinking that was just an accident and soon he composed himself.

Next week went like this and Thomas declared that, Steve was ready for normal ground mission.

They were at their last sessions of training in training room when an agent came inside ," Agent Romanoff, Director Fury wants to meet you both." He gestured towards Steve.

All three of them stepped out of the ring and Steve and Natasha said bye to Thomas and headed towards Fury's chamber. They stood in front of his glass door and looked each other nervously. Natasha knocked on the door and an authoritative voice came from inside, ' come in '

They went inside and Fury motioned them to sit. Then Maria Hill came in with two techno suitcase and kept on the table and Fury gestured towards Steve.

He opened the suitcase and surprised at the sight in front of him. There was a modernised suit for him. A neavy blue stealth combat , Captain America suit with a SHIELD logo on the left shoulder. A new shield did have painted blue and white, no red.

He looked at Fury questioningly .
He understood and nodded towards the suitcase," This is your official uniform as a SHIELD agent and Agent Romanoff, this is for you." He pushed another suitcase towards Natasha.

She opened the it and looked at him raising her eyebrows to him." What's wrong with my old suits? And I don't need new ones."

Fury crosses his arms on his chest," This one is slightly modernised and the widow bites having more voltage than your older ones."

She nodded and Fury turned towards Steve," And captain, I heared you completed your training. Soon I'm appointing on a mission. You'll work as an agent under SHIELD's instructions and....;"He stopped when Steve dryly chuckled and Fury looked him questioningly .

Steve straightened himself on his chair and looked at Fury straight," With all due respect Director, I agreed to work with SHIELD, not under SHIELD. I'll give my all sincerity and loyalty to my job , I can assure you that, but I can't work as someone's blind follower. So you better don't expect from me that I'll do anything you order without my concent. "

Rest three of them were dead silence, stunned for some seconds by Steve's Captain America commanding voice and challenging look.

Fury understood , he underestimated him, by treating him as others and expecting from him that he'll do whatever he order like his other agents. The thought slipped from his mind that  Steve'll never do such a thing if he didn't feel right. And besides he already promised his sincerity and loyalty and that showed his morality even more and his respect towards Steve was increased.

Natasha on the other hand, stunned by his behaviour towards Fury. Because Fury was one of the biggest intimidating and authoritative man she had ever knew. And seeing Steve challenging Fury means challenging SHIELD. But she knew, he'll do what he feels right and what will be right for everyone. No doubt that's why he was Captain America. Now she was waiting for Fury's reaction.

Maria was also in utter shockby this scenario.

Fury leaned back on his chair and gave him a reassuring smile," I totally understand, Captain and we're not gonna use you as any controlling robot. It's obvious that you'll work with us. And since we're not in Army department so we can't referre you as captain or soldier .So you have to adjust as agent only "

Steve shook his head smiling, glancing down to his suit and turned towards Natasha, Like he was asking for her approval. She leaned back on her chair and shrugged her shoulder tilting her head towards both of their suitcase.

Steve looked around three of them and smiled," Ok . But still a little bit red color wouldn't have looked bad. "

All of them let out a small smile. Steve excused himself and took his leave and informing them to meet them tomorrow.

Fury raised his eyebrows at Natasha," Since when Captain Rogers needed your approval ??"

She stood up to leave," Since I became his trainer, so it matters. " She smirked at Maria and left his cabin.......

Are you exited for their Mission????


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