48. Hurt and Pain

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Steve opened his eyes when he felt pain like explosion in his chest and back bones. His breath quickened and wanted to move his hand he realised he couldn't. The pain inside his was increasing slowly. He released a shaky breath which Natasha noticed and ran her fingers through his hair. " Shhh, it's okay. I'm here."

Dr. Cho told her earlier, the pain will be unbearable for him till the antidote  would be ready. She noticed his body was shaking, still eyes closed. Meant he was trying to control the pain he was going through. She reached to hold his hand but retreated back , knowing she might hurt him.

Slowly she bent down and placed a light kiss on his forehead whispering sweet words. " Nat...I can't move my hands. Not even my head." He whispered painfully.

It hurt her more than she admit. " Its gonna be fine okay?. You're gonna be fine. I'll make sure of it. "

After sometimes Steve breathed in pain again. " Nat....it's hurting. " He began to sniffling. " What's happening to me ?, I can't resist it anymore. It's hurting so bad. " A tear slipped from his closed eyelashes and it broke her heart.

She ran her fingers through his hair again ," What...where it hurts ?"

He opened his mouth to answer but failed. " Everything, ...everywhere. "

She laid down beside him and carefully put his head on her chest, trying her best not to hurt him and to ease his pain, running her fingers through his hair. After sometimes his sob died and breath steadied, meant he drifted to sleep. But she laid there hugging him gently trying hard not to break down in front of him.

After few hours, Dr. Cho came inside and injected some painkillers to him. But it's not helping much. Bad side of his super serum. He could never be dizzy by the strongest alcohol in this world , then how can a painkiller could ease his pain ?. But it helped a little bit. Dr. Cho smiled at Natasha," Thanks for being here , Ms. Romanoff. He would have died till now if you weren't stayed here. Please make sure he doesn't open his eyes. It can hurt him more. " She nodded and left the room.

She took the previous position and continue to ran her fingers through his hair hugging him gently. She didn't know if anyone could risk their own life to save her, until Steve. Even before they became working partners , he always made sure about her safety. Starting at the New York battle, then that warehouse , where he ran into that room thinking something might have happened to her, then at her apartment at the middle of the night, where he found out about her nightmares. Then at Limurien Star mission, then at the military base of New Jersey.

But every time he survived. But now , it's still a big question, was he gonna make it ?. If not , she didn't know what she'd do. In this world, Steve was the only one she...Loved. Yes. She loved him before SO long that she cared to admit. Trust, care and...kiss. They shared these three things. And these were the symbol of love. Which she was ignoring till now.

But all the time she caused him to get hurt. Now she wanna make sure that she could ease his pain. She'd be there for him. To help him. He proved that he loved her right ?, Now she'll prove that she loves him too. Lost in her thoughts she drifted to sleep, until she felt a shake at her shoulder. She opened her eyes and saw Clint smiling down at her," We did it. The antidote is on its way. " She was about to getup but he stopped her," No no , You stay like this. Dr. Cho told us how it helped him. He'll be completely fine, dont worry okay?"

She smiled sadly running her fingers through Steve's hair ," How I won't?, This man said he loved me and next moment he was about to die in my arms. Every time I ended up hurting someone, ain't I?"

Clint shighed and sat on the chair beside the bed. " Look Tasha , the things we do for our loved ones, are not any kinda debt. So that you always thought that , every time Steve does anything for you were ....some favours for you. So you always thought about return the favour to him.  But one thing you never realised. He did everything for you because he loved you. In love , we don't expect anything in return. We just wanna give everything possible. So don't over think anything, just know that it's his way of showing his love for you. " She smiled at him and he nodded and left the room.

It's been one day since the antidote given to Steve and he was still unconscious. Natasha never left his side. Now he was moved into the general ward and all his post-op care would taken there. After few hours he slowly opened his eyes and found Natasha sleeping on a chair beside his bed. He smiled and extended his hand to hold her . She woke up by his gesture and looked at him blinking to clear her view . " Hey , You awake?. Let me call Dr. Cho.."

She was about to stood up but he grabbed her hand shaking his head," Just stay here."

She smiled at him shaking her head," How are you feeling now?"

" I don't feel that much pain now. How long I was out?"

" Last twenty-four hours. " She helped him to sit leaning back on the pillow. " You gonna be alright. " Her eyes welled up in tears as she saw the surgery spot down to his back of the neck.

He gently pulled her to sit next to him on the bed ," I'm okay Nat. " She blinked to stop her tears. " Did you mean that ?". She looked at him in confusion. " The moment when I passed out, You said you love me too. Did you mean that?"

She shighed," I wouldn't have said if I didn't. I mean that Steve. Yes, I love you so much. " And smiled at him in teary eyes.

He closed his eyes," I thought you felt obliged to me and that's why you said it to me..."

She placed her finger on his lips," I mean it when I say this. There wasn't anyone to whom I said it before. But I said it to you. And yes , I love you. "

He inhaled deeply holding her hand," There , I thought I wouldn't get a chance to see you again," his eyes were welling up in tears.

She looked at his face as tears dropped from both of their eyes. " That moment I thought you were gonna die in my arms. You were gonna die in front of me and I was just helpless there. I thought I'm gonna loose the only person who loved me as much as I did. I don't want to have a mere nightmare of losing you Steve. I can't. " She rested her head on his chest and both cried in each other's arms.

Here begins the love story . They confessed to each other. Now waiting for next....


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