66. Mr and Mrs Rogers

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Her wedding dress was fitting her body perfectly. She refused to do heavy makeup coz he always says, She  is perfect. She does not need any facade. She's the real one. She was lost in her imagination as she didn't notice a small crowd was already there, admiring her dreamy smile.

Laura put a flower crown on her top of the head then she came to her sense. She adjusted her eyes as she saw others through the reflection of the mirror. Her lips parted in a happy shock as a tiny smile appeared on them. She turned around as Fury approached her and hugged her head as she hugging his torso in her sitting position on a table in front of the mirror.

Fury pulled away and traced his palm over her head, as he smiled down at his daughter. He would never admit It, but Natasha had been his family since he gave her a chance to redeem herself. " You're looking beautiful, princess. " Everyone around them paused for some seconds then smiled happily.

Maria stepped ahead and greeted her with a quick hug ," Yeah , I bet you'll give a hard time to resist to the old man. "

Natasha glared at her teasingly," You need to stop calling him that. I won that right. "

Maria laughed shaking her head," Why not ?, you're the one having his baby inside you. "

Fury looked at Clint then at Natasha," So I'm gonna be a grandpa soon huh ?, when were you gonna tell me about it ?"

She shighed then looked at him," There was no proper time for that. Even I couldn't tell Steve about him till almost two months." She put her hand on her stomach.

Fury pulled a chair and sat in front of her ," Believe me , Natasha , as much as it was unbelievable for me , I'm more than happy for you. And somewhere a part of its reason because it's with Rogers. And I'm also happy that he gave those reasons to you so now you're going to marry him in few minutes. You both deserves this happiness. He thought he lost everything while you thought there is nothing left for you. Then eventually you found each other. Now you're going to have a symbol of your journey in few months. I'm so happy for you dear. "

Clint cleared his throat to break the emotional moment," That's so sweet of you Nick , but Steve will break my face if you make her cry. "

Fury stood up from his seat and chuckled," I have no doubt on that. I know very well how protective he is about her. He won't hesitate to punch me when she's with his baby. "

Just then Wanda and princess Shuri came inside the room," Its time to go Ms Rommanof, or should I adress you as Mrs Rogers? " She asked her as everyone chuckled in that room. Natasha stood up and Fury and Clint took her hands both side. Shuri , Wanda , Laura and Maria followed them , the bride's maids.

Steve was standing on the stage with Sam and Buckey while T'Chala was the officiate of the wedding. Generally grooms becomes nervous on their wedding day. But Steve wasn't. He was confident, he wanna spend his life with her , he wanna walk with Her, overall , he was sure , she's the one.

Then the gate of the aisle opened and Natasha walked out with Fury and Clint by both her sides. Lila was walking ahead of her as she was the flower girl with a bouquet of red roses with a blue rose in the centre , followed by her bride's maids.

Steve was practically lost in her looks. The wedding music was faded away, he just kept looking at her with a million dollar smile. He had to admit , he missed her red hairs. But still her platinum blonde hair was shining with the dim sunlight , while the yellow and blue flowered crown was complimenting well.

He came to his sense when Lila handed him the bouquet. He took it and smiled at the little girl, as she let out a giggle and walked to her mother's side. Clint let go of Natasha and jumped between Steve and Buckey which caused everyone gave him a weird look ," What ?, I'm common brother of Tasha and Steve. So I've done my responsibility as bride's brother , now it's time to be the groom's brother. " Everyone laughed on his comment.

Steve handed the bouquet of flowers to Natasha with a smile she never witnesses. Fury stepped ahead and gave her hand on Steve's. " You know what she means to me , and I know what you mean to her. Believe me , She doesn't need anything more. Just stay by her side, Steve. " He nodded and squeezed her palm eassuringly , as Fury took his seat in the row.

Steve leaned forward and whispered," You're looking so beautiful Nat. " His smile widened as she blushed on his complement without saying anything.

Everyone got their position, then T'Chala started , clearing his throat," Today , we're gathered here to witness the union of two beautiful souls for life long , for eternity. We'll encourage and enjoy their beautiful journey ahead. Captain, please go ahead with your vows ."

He took a long breath as he stared at her eyes," I don't exactly know from where I started to imagine a life along with you. From the beginning I guess. We've passed through so many difficulty in this short journey. And I'm very proud of myself for choosing you as the permanent partner in it. I promise you to walk with you as long as fate allows us , promise to stay loyal to you, promise to protect you with my life , promise to be the perfect life partner you've imagined, promise to be the best father for the life is growing inside you, promise to handle all your mood swings," Natsha let out a teary chuckle as everyone laughed. " I promise to be yours and you'll be mine , coz baby , I'll love you till the end of the line. " Buckey patted his back as he handed him the wedding ring. He took it and smiled at his best friend and slipped on his wife's finger as a tear dropped from his eyes.

Natasha couldn't control her tears anymore so she let them flow. She opened her mouth but sniffled slightly. " You...you stole my lines. " Steve laughed shaking his head along with everyone. " I never imagined a life along with you coz I wasn't sure what my life was actually. Gradually , it made sense. When you came in my life. I was a mess , I still am. I'm damaged , I'm broken , but still I'm selfishly glad that I found you to hold my pieces together. Believe it or not , I'll always selfishly want you to be my side. You made me see a whole new perspective of life, our life , us. I never thought about having a partner to share my life with , coz you were not there before. Since I have you , I'm sure you're the one. I'm sure you'll protect me with everything. I'm sure you'll be the best father for our son , he'll feel proud and luckey to have  you. " She paused to suppress her cry," I promise to give my everything to you , coz my entire existence is because of you. I promise to stay loyal to you, I promise to be yours and you'll be mine, coz baby, I'll love you till the end of the line. "

Clint let out a laughing cry and handed Natasha the ring which she took and slipped on Steve's finger through her blurring vision. T'Chala blinked to stop his emotions and cleared his throat," Now I pronounce you the husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. "

Steve smiled and kissed her slow and passionately which she returned the same. He wiped her tears and kissed her forehead gently ," Happy wedding, Mrs Rogers. "

She looked at him and held his palms ," Happy wedding, Mr Rogers. " They looked ahead as everyone clapped and cheered for the newly wedded couple.

Natasha threw her wedding bouquet high in the air , when it came down , everyone gasped as they saw who were holding the same bouquet of flowers. Their eyes widened as they stared at each other. The man quickly let go of the bouquet and the woman shyly looked down holding the wedding bouquet. Bucky and....Wanda !!

So guys don't mind if the wedding is not that good. Coz I'm not well aware of these culture. I hope you enjoy.

Well what do you think about Wanda and Bucky ? I'm not rushing anything. Chill 🤗😀


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