76. It's Okay....

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Natasha was putting on her quantum sute when Steve walked in. He smiled at her ," Ready ?"

She nodded with a smile holding his hand," Yeah, let's finish this real quick. "

He put a strand of hair behind her ear, caressing her cheeks," Remember one thing, you have a home to return to. And also...You've got a old man who can't even breath without you. " This made her chuckle.

She couldn't help but leaned into his touch," I know. That's why I need my old man in one piece and fine. I won't accept a broken or scratched one. "

He joined his forehead with hers," Promise me Nat. Please. In between all the uncertainty, I want you to come back to me. Whatever the situation would be, you won't do any funny business. "

She closed her eyes wrapping her arms around his neck ," Got it Captain. And you have to promise me too. You'll come back without any harm. I couldn't go on without you by my side. "

" I promise." saying he kissed her. They knew everything would go according to the plan. But still, they couldn't push the fear away, that they might lose each other.

They parted away when a knock interrupted them. Clint stood there with a smile," Lets go. All set." They nodded at him and followed outside.

Once they stood on the quantum tunnel, Steve described the plan and motivated them. " We've to do this, whatever it takes. Good luck everyone. " He nodded at all his teammates.

Natasha looked at him with a smile that almost shook his core with fear. " See you in a minute. " And he returned the smile. He just hoped that everything would be good. The machine roared and within a seconds, all of them sank into the time machine.

Clint and Natasha dropped Rohdey and Nebula on planet Morag and flew towards Vormir. After reaching there, they stepped out of the jet. That place was creeping them out. They climbed ahead and noticed the red sun was scattering it's dim light. Suddenly a black shadow appeared in front of them," Welcome, Son of Eidith, daughter of Ivan. "

Their vision cleared and they saw the Red Skull. Juhan Smidth. Natasha recognised him," What are you doing here?", Clint looked at her in surprise.

Red Skull chuckled on her question," I see you know about me well enough. I'm the guardian of the soul stone. The cursed guide of visitors like you in the soul realm. "

Natasha tightened her grip on the gun," Well, you deserved the curse for your past deeds. Now be a little generous and tell the way, obviously we don't want your guidance. "

The red skull moved ahead as if saying them to follow him ," I wish the way of getting the stone were as simple as you think. "

Clint raised his sword ," We don't have much time to word play with you, so get to the point."

Red Skull turned around," You must have to sacrifice a soul of which you deeply care and love to get the soul stone. This is a trade. A Soul for a Soul. Sacrifice one of you yourself, selflessly, then other will get the stone."

Clint shighed," Ask her you'll know I'm the funniest joke maker. But yours is ridiculously worst. "

Red Skull laughed ," I wish, I were joking. " He moved away again.

Then everything clicked to Natasha. She sat on a rock with a shigh," He's telling the truth. Its not a coincidence. Thanos came here with Nebula's sister and returned alone. He killed her, here. In short, he sacrificed his own daughter to get the soul stone. "

Clint looked down at her," Natasha , we just can't trust him whatever crap he said. "

She shook her head," He's not lying. " Then she paused.

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