34. Family Reunion

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Next day after launch , Steve and Natasha were with the kids in the garage. Steve was making two playing shield for Kooper and Lila by cutter and hammer. The kids were watching him excitedly and ....Natasha too.

In these four days she found, how adorable Steve was with kids. He might be old fashioned and struggling to adjust with the mordenity , but the way he interacts with kids, it was really sweet.

He would tell them his old time stories , about his early life, his friends, some funny incidents. At the end She would sing them a lubaly during sleeping. But she changed her lubaly. When Steve told her to sing something else not the pain and sorrowful ones.

Sometimes, she wish , she could have all this. A partner, a family. But she couldn't have that. She shighed shakily and looked away, Steve noticed and gave her a concerned look. He finished the last paint of red color ," Its done. Let it dry for some time." The kids nodded and ran towards their house to tell Clint , that their uncle Steve made them shield.

Natasha walked out too and went to the backyard where they sat last night. She sat on the bench followed by Steve. They didn't talk properly about everything that happening with them.

He turned towards her," I'm sorry, Nat."

She looked at him and found how emotional he became," For what ?"

He shighed heavily and slightly shook his head," That day, I...I couldn't do anything. I'm feeling so disgusting to myself. I felt so helpless. I couldn't help you. I was.."

She stopped him by holding his palm ," Steve stop it. It's non of your fault. You just can't blame to yourself for that. If so ,Would you blame me for what happened to you?"

He shook his head," No , but still it's..."

She interrupted him again," There was nothing you could do there. I was same helpless like you . "

He didn't argue more on that , because he knew, she would think he was pity on her. After some seconds of silence, Natasha started," Your friend...Bucky..I knew him before." Steve narrowed his eyes at her. So she explained," In red room, he was one of the trainer there. I was barely thirteen or fourteen, so I don't remember clearly . "

She took a deep breath then looked at him ,"You were right about him.  He must be brainwashed, turned in to an assassin, but he was still there . He was not cruel like others. He would tie us and train us , never tourchred us. But I don't understand, how hydra got him from red room?"

Steve nodded ," The far big question is, how red room got him from hydra?" She looked at him in confusion." He was first captured by hydra."

Her eyes widened," That means, red room and hydra joined forces.!!"

He nodded," That makes sense. They collaborated, that's why red room kidnapped you, hydra kidnapped me , and they need information about what you released on internet, that's why they need Fury. "

Clint walked towards them from behind," Guys, go get ready . We're leaving in 30 minutes. "

Natasha turned at him in confusion," Where ?"

" New York. " He shighed and sat across them on another bench. "Actually, Stark arranged everything for all of us to stay at his tower, I mean Avengers tower."

Steve looked at Natasha in confusion then to Clint," And why's that?"

" US government approved for our organisation to help and save people, so we're  officially Avengers now. So Stark invited to us to stay there at his tower , to which he turned into Avengers tower now."

Natasha questioned him," But what about them , who kidnapped us ?"

Clint hesitantly replied," Well...we already taken care of that. Fury gave me the information about their Safe house. So Stark, his friend Colnel Rhodes , Maria Hill and Sam came with me to destroy them. "

Steve questined instantly " Where is Fury?"

He shook his head," I don't know. I just got a secret message saying about the warehouse ." Steve and Natasha thoughtfully nodded and went inside to get ready.

After half an hour three of them were ready to leave when Laura bid goodbye to Clint. The kids hugged their father and to Steve and Natasha too and said them to visit soon.

During the ride to New York , Steve sat beside Natasha while Clint was on the pilot seat. Steve smiled at her ," I never imagined how good you're with kids. I mean you always talks about mission, nothing about the outside world. "

She smiled at him too," Same here. I'm surprised about you too. I never pictured how good you're in interact with kids. "

Clint rolled his eyes hearing their cheesy complement to each other," You know, You both acts like those couple , who complements each other in very small things in their early days of relationship. "

She just glared at him but didn't said anything and put on the headphones to listen music. She gave another to Steve and he accepted with a smile and both closed their eyes lost in the slow music. While Clint was surprised because neither Natasha nor Steve, denied about his tease of being a couple . He just smiled and looked ahead.

After an hour their jet landed on the roof of Avengers tower. Clint wake them up and three of them get off the jet. Steve was impressed because once he saw the name plate was written STARK now it converted into a big A showing the symbol of Avengers.

When they entered inside they welcomed by the scream of Tony. " Welcome welcome, bird brain , capsicle and red. " All of them narrowed their eyes on him. " I mean, Barton , Captain and Romanoff. " and gave them a fake smile.

Natasha glared at him ," You ever call me with that stupid nickname, we're gonna have issues. " and walked past him.

Tony's eyes widened and Steve and Clint laughed at him . Soon Thor joined them and Tony said all the six of them were there so they decided to a dinner party .

Natasha joined with Maria and Pepper while all the men were chatting with each other. Steve and Clint volunteered for making dinner and went to the large kitchen. Then Natasha joined them and helped Steve with food while Clint just stood at the counter looking at them with a smile.

Steve and Natasha cooked few times together at his apartment, so they gracefully moving around the kitchen talking and laughing. Pepper nudged Clint and both of them kept watching at Steve and Natasha, how they looking so domestic and comfortable with each other.

So here I started the plot of Avengers- Age of Aultron.

In this chapter I refered Natasha knowing Bucky before in her early days of life. I don't like the Ship between them So I just kept it simple. No much connection. Because I prefer ROMANOGERS.


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