8. Sparring Session

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Training continued throughout the whole week . Steve practiced shooting, parachute landing and sharpened his shield throwing techniques. And cover firing and sneaking attacks. By the help of Thomas and instructions of Natasha he became almost perfect in everything.

Mark the word 'almost '.

He became perfect in everything except sparring.

Whole week Steve and Thomas would sparr for like hours, using different techniques . And Steve would fight back and even get upper hand. But at the end , he would fall on his back every time. He noticed Thomas would always attack on his legs , that's why he loses his balance.

Today was the same case too. They were sparring in the ring while Natasha watching them from ring side. Their sparring round continued since last 45min but Steve didn't backoff. Natasha was quite impressed by his quick learning.

Suddenly Thomas swept his feet to kick Steve's legs , but he jumped up at the exact time. Natasha smiled along with Thomas on his develop but they didn't stop. After 10 more mins Steve threw a hard punch towards Thomas , but he ducked to his side and kicked Steve's lower knee from his side.

Steve lost his balance and fell on his face this time. He got frustrated and jumped to his feet and looked at Thomas with a hard serious expression . " You shouldn't attack your opponent's legs during fighting. They say, If your opponent couldn't stand on their feet , how would you expect it as a fair fight ??. This is against the law of fight so this is wrong. "

Thomas swallowed air in fear hearing his hard serious voice with deadly glare. Of course they became quite friendly with each other during the whole two weeks , but still , he was the Captain America, the super soldier, for God's sake!!

Natasha silently gestured Thomas to leave and he left them both alone in the training room.

She stepped inside the ring and wrapped her fists." You described the rule of fight, not sparring. In sparring legs plays main role. If you keep your feet still then your winning chance would definitely be high. If you lost your balance , your opponent gets the upper hand. So let's start ."

She kept her fists to start but Steve didn't. "But still it's wrong."

She sighed and thought how innocent he was for this new cruel world. He sees everything either black or white, but he doesn't know everything is grey nowadays.

She looked at Steve in a convincing look," Like I said before , world had been changed. There is no one who follows the rule in fight. What meant for them is winning, victory. They just want to win , by hook or by crook. Anyhow. I'm not saying to change your moral or something. I'm just saying, you have to walk along with them."

Listening and seeing her assuring look he nodded and prepared his fists.

Sparring continued and Steve gave his everything to fight back her every attack , punch and kick. Suddenly she put her feet on his thighs and jumped on his shoulder. She wrapped her legs around his neck and threw him down on the mat on his back with a large 'thud' noise.

Steve shockingly looked up and his mouth slightly opened. Natasha smirked raising her eyebrows and gave her hand to wake him up. He held her hand and stood up , still in shocking mode. She laughed at his reaction," Close your mouth, you'll catch flies."

He came out of his shocking zone and nervously laughed shaking his head," Wh.....What was that...? I don't think , I would able to do that ever."

She shook her head," Oh , it's not for you. It's my special flip move."

He held the back of his neck ," Oh ...I see. Don't do that again before warning me. So.....another round???"

She raised her eyebrows at him resting her hand on her hips." You're sparring since like almost 2 hours, still not tired ??"

Steve his fists in front of him positioning himself and chuckled," I could do this all day, Ms. Romanoff. "

She threw a hard punch towards him ," Thanks for not calling me ma'am this time. And sorry. I just forgot you're the bloody super soldier. "

He too threw continuously punch at her ," Language, Ms. Romanoff. And...what's the problem with.......calling ma'am to a lady ?."

Natasha opened her mouth but Steve cut her off ," I got it. World has been changed." He mimicked her own words.

They both laughed along with each other and probably for the first time they felt carefree and enjoyed the moment. They had no time for this. They always keep thinking about their job and the challenges in very next moment and sometimes their own painfull past. But now they enjoying each other's company. Not that they admit it. But they could feel it.

They kept talking and laughing with each other during the whole sparring session. Suddenly she kicked his legs and he grabs her shoulder to support himself , but in this process they both lost balance. Steve fell on his back while Natasha fell face forward on his chest , and their noses almost touched.

Their laugh died when they realised their closeness. An unknown emotion flowed between them when they sensed hot breaths on each other's faces. Their chests were jumping up and down due to their heavy breathing.

During these two weeks of training , their closeness increased but not this much. Steve unknowingly lost in her eyes, which were emeralds green . He felt like a cool breeze waved over him , looking at her green orbs. She too lost in his ocean blue eyes, which she noticed before but felt this closely for the first time.

During this, Maria Hill was watching them for almost 10 mins. smirking at them from ring side. She cleared her throat and acted like she just arrived there right now and didn't saw anything,"Agent Romanoff, if today's session is over, then I need you in something. Director ordered for you.,"

Hearing someone they came to their sense. Steve's hands were wrapped around her shoulder while Natasha's palms were on his chest. They hurriedly stood up from the awkward position. Steve scratched his back of the neck blushing furiously and seeing his reaction she felt terrified sensing the same reaction on her face.

She cleared her throat and said in a professional voice," You still need more practice. Be here tomorrow with Agent Kallien at morning 10." and walked out with Hill, who badly controlling her laugh at their reaction. She couldn't believe Captain America and Black Widow were blushing just because of it.

While Steve smacked himself mentally, thinking things will turn awkward even professionally.


What will be their next reaction ???



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