23. Ghost Story

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Natasha ran into a room, where Steve and Maria watching the surgery procedure of Fury through a transparent glass devider. She too joined them . No one utter a single word.

Natasha shighed still looking the procedure,"Tell me about the shooter."

Steve nodded, and took a long breath," He was fast, strong and had a metal arm. I followed but he was nowhere , like vanished from there in no time. "

She had a faint idea who it could be, so she confirmed," How many shots ?"

Maria shighed closing her eyes," Three but no sign of rifling."

She nodded in understanding," Soviet bullets."

Just then the doctors rushed around the OT , and giving Fury electric shock, to bring his breath. But result was nothing. Watching all this Natasha's breath hitched. She was praying under her breath. Fury was like a father for her which she never had. She owed him so much, for giving her a new life in SHIELD. But all her prayers were no use. He was declared dead.

Steve hung his head low. Though he never trusted fully on Fury, but respected him as a leader. There was very rare find a man like him, who carried all burden of safety of people. Maria also stood there and her vision blurred but she stopped herself from crying.

The medics brought Fury's body out of the OT. Three of them stood in the same room. Natasha walked ahead and watched blankly at his body. Two tears dropped from her eyes , but she didn't protested it. Because today she lost her father figure.

Steve's heart ached seeing her state. He was scolding himself, for not noticing his surrounding earlier in his apartment. He was not good enough to save a single man standing right in front of him.

He blinked twice to stop the emotion from flow out. He shighed and walked towards her and gently called from behind ," Nat."

She released a shaky breath and wiped her tears. Rubbing her palm over Fury's forehead, she walked out of the room without saying a single word and glancing back.

Steve followed her out of the room," Natasha ".

She whipped around and glared at him," What was he doing in your apartment?"

He shrugged his shoulder to act innocent, but his shuttering didn't helped him," I....I don't know. ". He was about to say further but Ramlow interrupted him," Captain ,they needs you at head quarter. "

Steve nodded," Ok give me a minute. " and turned towards Natasha to say something, but again he interrupted," They're calling you, now."

He was getting on his nerve, but he composed himself and threw an annoying glare ," Ookay.", then turned towards Natasha.

She smirked bitterly," You're a terrible lier Rogers." and walked away without glancing back, but she hear his loud shigh.

Steve understood all this now. Fury being in his apartment, then he was dead , now SHIELD was calling him immediately. 'Don't trust anyone '. Fury's word rang in his mind. But it's not the case. He wanted to trust Natasha. But he can't. Not in this kind of situations at least. He knew, he could trust her. And he was feeling miserable , because she thought he don't trust her.

But right now something more is important. He unnoticeably hid the pen drive inside a glass drawer , behind a chocolate. He joined Ramlow," Let's go." and walked out with them.

But he was unaware of the fact that, someone noticed him, and watching his retreating figure with a smirk .

After talking to Pierce, Steve understood that SHIELD was totally messed up. Fury hijacked the ship, hiring fake pirates. But he has strongly believe that he can't do it just for money. Something more was there inside. Now Pierce was indirectly threatening for reveal the truth behind Fury's visit to his apartment.

He understood that , here truth was not what it looks like. He understood Fury was trying to do something, which any SHIELD officials shouldn't know. He entered inside the elevator and ordered for ground floor.

After crossing one floor, the elevator opened and Ramlow entered inside with some of his associate agents. Again and again, the elevator would stop and some agents would join inside till four more floors.

All the agents were fully armed surrounded him, and Steve got the idea of what was coming. He shighed and nodded in understanding," Before we get started, does anyone wanna get out." And he was right. All the agents around him launched at him ,
attacking him by their weapons. Though he was outnumbered , but still, he beat them all near to death. When he opened the elevator door to step outside, more agents coming towards him. Without finding any other ways , he jumped out of the elevator. He held his shield to his front and crashed fell down, maybe from twenty floors height , but the shield had all the blow and he was able to escape from there unharmed, despite SHIELD tried everything to stop him.

He disguised himself and putting a hudy and went to bring back the drive , which he had hid it at the hospital glass drawer. But he was shocked when he didn't found the drive and the bubble gum chocolate in front of it as well.

But he saw Natasha, bursted the bubble gum in her mouth , through the reflection of the glass door. Anger took over him and he grabbed her arm and pushed her backward inside a room , which was empty.

He slammed her to a wall , squeezing her both arms tightly. "Where is it ?", he angrily hissed at her.

She was shocked by his gestures for some seconds, but didn't backed off," Safe." Which angered him more. He squeezed her arm more tighter ," Do better. "

"Where did you get it ?"

Now he was frustrated," Why would I tell you?"

She maintained eye contact with him ," Fury gave it to you, but why?", she knew it because it was the same pen drive, which she handed him after the Limurien Star mission.

"What's in it ?"

She shook her head ," I don't know?"

He tightened his grip more ," Don't lie to me anymore."

"I only act like I know everything Rogers. "

Steve loosened his grip a little, and looked back to confirm no one was overhearing them. " You knew about his fake hijack of Limurien Star, didn't you?"

She gasped a little ," Of course, he wanted to know what's going on inside SHIELD and so do you..."

He slammed her angrily to the wall again," I'm not gonna ask you again."

She finally give in ," I know who killed him. " This made Steve to loose his grip completely. But kept holding her arms. She explained," Most of the intelligence community doesn't believe his existence, who does, they call him the Winter Soldier. Above few dozens of assassinations were recorded on his name in last fifty years."

Steve left her arms ," So it's the rumoured ghost story. "

She continued," Five years ago, when I had a mission to bring a nuclear engineere safely, someone shot my tire and my car crashed down a cliff , I pulled out both of us and the winter soldier was there. I was stood in front of the engineer, so the bullet gone straight through me -", saying she lifted her jacket and showed him a bullet scar on her near lower-abdomen . Steve's eyes frowned looking at her wounded scar.

She noticed his gaze on her scar," Soviet shot, no rifling.Bye bye bikinis"
She smirked at him widely. Her eyes were flicked to his eyes and lips again and again. She couldn't help but thought how close their faces were. She badly wanted to feel his lips on her. Control your girly thoughts.

Steve looked back to her eyes and fought the urge to blush so badly . But he composed himself," Yeah, I bet you'll look terrible in them."

She almost smiled on his adorable flirty comment, but controlled herself "Going after him is a dead end, I know I have tried. Like you said, it's a ghost story." Sayings she showed him the pen drive.

Steve took the drive from her ,"Let's find what the ghost wants." Both smiled and began the job to unreveal everything.


So I used most lines directly from movie. I hope you will Enjoy.

So next.....Public display of affection...☺💖


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