3.Meeting You was Fate

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Steve's pov-

Today was really tiring for me. I was walking towards my apartment thinking about my visit to Stark Tower. I thought Haword's son must be decent, funny and friendly just like him, but Mr.Stark, the Iron Man is clearly his opposite.

A big building named 'STARK'. He must be some egoistic guy, who writes his name on his house?, no that's not house , that's Tower , Stark Tower. How come Fury assigned him to join the Avengers, which will help and save people?

Lost in my own thoughts I reached at my apartment and held the door nob to open it, it felt strange. Someone had unlocked the door, there was someone stood, with their back towards me. Who's this??

Natasha's pov-

I silently entered into his apartment hoping he would be inside, but there was no sign of Captain Rogers. I looked around his small cozy apartment, decorated really old fashioned; just like him. I chuckled internally.

I was standing behind his couch, suddenly a voice startled me from behind ,"Your boss didn't tell you, that you should ask permission to enter someone's apartment ?"

I turned around and saw a tall , dark ocean baby blue eyes and sandy blonde haired man standing at the door frame. Captain America, Steve Rogers.

I raised my eyebrows and stood in front of him, "I thought you would be inside so I didn't ask anyone's permission. Btw how did you know about me being an agent ?" How stupid I am. of course he would know, he must have read my file given by Fury. But I was not in my cat suit or SHIELD uniform, so how come ?.

'your face, stupid ' my inner conscious mocked.

He walked further inside,"No one has my address except SHIELD officials. "

'oh that also makes scenes'.

Without wasting any more time I came to my point, "So till now, you must have understood my intention to visit here. So what is your honest answer about joining the Avengers Initiative? Fury informed that you didn't agree to his proposal. As far as I came to know about you, you're always ready to fight for what is right for people. So why is the denial?"

I highly expected some rude behaviour or more like get lost or something. But his answer caught me off guard , yah me, the Black Widow !!!

He finished his water bottle and leaned on the wall leaving a shighed breath." The last time I fought in a war , I stuck myself frozen for almost 70 years. I came out of the Ice to know that we won the war , we got the victory. But no one realised what I'd lost in the fight. "

He replied in a pained voice. I had never felt something like this for someone else. The real pain flashed in his face, his eyes and his whole body language.

Because he was right, he sacrificed his life to save millions of people and the whole world praised him for his bravery, but after that no one cared about him , what happened to him anymore. And right now SHIELD was doing the same thing, using HIM , they too didn't gave him much time to take all the suffering he was going through and immediately dragging him to the same horror of war, for which his life became a mess. Just a pained memory.

But right now the world was standing at the door of the war and the world needs him. That's why Fury has given me this mission, to convince him and I have to complete it at any cost.

Keeping the thoughts aside I looked at him," I know and I understand how you're feeling right now, but at the same time people needs you and I hope you'll stand for them, just like you did before. "

Somehow his posture changed stiff to relaxed. Then I dropped his compass on a table in front of him with a 'thud' noise due to the silence in the room.

He narrowed his eyes at me and looked at the compass.

I was carefully noticing his every move. " I found it from your old stuffs and thought maybe it's something important to you. "

He slowly reached for it and held it very carefully and opened it , glancing it down for some seconds and closed it ; took a long breath, like he was waiting for it for years.

He looked up to me with a determined look and I understood he agreed. "So if you change your mind, you know what to do."

I walked out of his apartment without glancing back and pressed my com at my ear " Done " , in a satisfactory tone.


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