30. Reunion

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Next morning Steve was starting the search for Bucky, he got a little information about his location. So now he was sitting with Sam in a restaurant, for dinner.

Sam drank a glass of water and cleared his throat," Maria joined Stark Industries today. "

Steve nodded," Great. I didn't heared from her since all the matter with SHIELD. "

" We had coffee together this morning. That's when she told me. " He absentmindly blurted out.

Steve raised his eyebrows with a smirk on his face. Sam understood and shook his head, shuttering a little," We ... we met at the shopping mall this morning so we just had coffee together, as friends. "

He laughed on his response and both finished their dinner. At around 10 at night he went to his apartment.

Meanwhile at Moscow, at 7 in the morning Natasha reached at the West grave yard of South Moscow. She kneel down in front of two grave stones , the name and dates were faded.

Two single tears slipped from her eyes. Regretting that she failed to found out about her parents. Her actual life. She tried very hard to find information about her parents' death and grave yard. But all gone in vain.

She closed her eyes and wiped her tears. She walked out of the grave yard and sat outside on a bench. She kept looking ahead blankly until she felt something at her back. In no time she felt something pinched on her back of the neck. She touched there and saw her finger tips, one single drop of blood.

Her eyelids felt heavy, she looked back but suddenly someone blind folded her from behind. She couldn't breath properly now. In between some seconds she blacked out.

Next morning Steve landed at Chicago. He got a video through social media, a bike racing tournament, where at the audience gallery he saw a glimpse of Bucky. Not exactly , but his metal arm. He noticed a man in black clothes and a bag on his shoulder went inside a motel. He quickly ran into the same motel , an old and dusty one. No much people were there.

He walked upstairs silently in to a room. A bag was thrown on the bed. He bent down and opened the bag , only to find a bundle of old news paper.

He narrowed his eyes in confusion , he understood. He was misleaded by someone. Until  he realised, that was already too late. Someone inserted a syringe at his back of the neck. His eyes became blurry. He turned around and blinked furiously to prevent the increase in blur of his eyes.

Suddenly he felt another pinch at his neck, from behind. It was enough to overcome the strength of super serum. He stumbled backwards and fell flat on the bed and everything went black.

Natasha weakly opened her eyes. A light blinded her vision. She blinked several times to adjust the light. When she fully opened her eyes and came to her real sense, she saw her hands and legs were tied in a metal chain to a metal chair.

She looked through the window and found nothing. Suddenly the metal door opened in a bang and four or five black clothed men walked inside. So Natasha pretended to still unconscious.

Another eight or ten men walked inside dragging someone by the ground, a bag covered his head. She couldn't see his face but she gaussed it must be a man. They kneel down the man , with hand and legs were tied in a metal chain. They hang his tied hands above his head with the ceiling and poured water on his head still the bag on his head. His head hung low as his chin touches his chest.

One of them walked towards Natasha, and harshly patted her head and talked in Russian, but there was another accent mixed with it." She is still unconscious, what should we do?"

Another one replied," Leave both of them until they come to their sense." He was probably their leader. With that they left from there.

When the door closed, she opened her eyes and carefully tried to recognise the man. His black  jacket was ripped and scratched everywhere, a blue t-shirt underneath. His abs and muscles could be seen because of his sweat. A light khaki jeans which became dirty.

Her heart raced in worry and fear , not for herself, but for someone she dearly cared. Her eyes widened when she remembered HE was in the same clothes at Sam's house. Where they shared their first meaningful kiss. No it couldn't be Him. It couldn't be STEVE.

She was praying under her breath, when she concentrating him inside the dim light room. Some people entered inside suddenly, and she was unprepared for them because she was distracted by HIS concern. She was few seconds late to close her eyes.

Their leader laughed, " Oh , miss Romanoff, it's over now. You can open your eyes. " Now he talked in English but still some new accent was there.

She knew she got caught. She shighed and opened her eyes and glared at them ," Who the hell are you?", she angrily spatted.

He chuckled shaking his head, and gestured towards the man covered in the bag ," Wake him up."

One of them put off the bag and her breath stopped. Her fear came true. It was really Steve !! But she masked it quickly. Another man kicked Steve, right at the stomach. Again her breath hitched. But he didn't budged . So it's clear , he was still unconscious.

Their leader walked to Steve and held his face roughly ," We heared right about him. When we gave him the first doze, he was really strong enough to fight it. So we had to give him the second doze. That's why he is taking so long.", He said looking at Natasha. "Let him wake up . We'll start the game then. " With that they walked out of the room.

She swallowed a lump in her throat when she saw two drops of blood fell from Steve's nose by the blow of the kick.

After two hours he slowly opened his eyes and saw Natasha was looking at him directly. He blinked to clear his hallucination. But she was still there. She was really there. He wanted to call her name but he couldn't utter a single word because his throat felt dry.

She playfully raised her eyebrows," You know, when I said stay out of trouble, I didn't mean to sound like it's opposite. "

He let out a choked laugh ," Natasha. "


Who kidnapped them?

So reunion you see.

It's my story, there is no plot like this in MCU. This plot is gonna be amazing.

Sorry it's the longest delay.
I'm trying to update daily.

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