41. A New Beginning...

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During launch time Fury was instructing them how to beat Aultron and motivated them to fight. All of them suit up when Steve informed ," I'm taking Barton and Romanoff with me to Korea , to rescue Dr. Cho. " Bruce raised his eyebrow but they ignored him and followed Steve to the queenjet.

When they found Aultron's truck Steve informed through his com ," I'm just above the truck, I'm on it."

Natasha stopped him in worry ," You can't face them alone !!"

" Don't worry, I'll handle it. You guys keep distract that damn Robot. "

Clint and Natasha said in union ," Language ," and hold back a chuckle  which made Steve groan in annoyance.

Steve kept fighting with Aultron one and one when Natasha threw his shield back at him which was dropped from his hand a moment ago. 
But Aultron threw him to a train and punched him in gut.

Just when Aultron about to get upper hand, a red energy barrier stopped it. He turned around to find Wanda stopped Aultron by using her power. Then her twin brother punched Aultron with his super speed. But Aultron fired at the driver of the metro which caused the metro lost its control and Aultron escaped from there towards the truck. Steve informed through his com to Natasha," Natasha,....Aultron is coming towards you." Panting with heavy breaths.

Then he turned towards Wanda ," Stop this train by using your power." Then turned to Pietro ," People are on the way ," He nodded and flew outside to save people from the uncontrolled train. While Wanda put all her strengths to stop the train she succeeded.

Steve shighed in releaf stepping out of the train but Clint told him worriedly through his com," Captain, Aultron has got Natasha. Do you have an eye on her ?"

Steve became worried by this but he had take the decision as the team leader. " If you have got the item , take that to Stark's lab immediately. " Clint started," But Natasha...", Steve cut him off," Trust her , she'll handle it. Just do it." Clint reluctantly flew towards Stark Tower. Then Wanda tried to make him understand, that Stark could make the matter worse. But Steve had lost contact with Tony so he decided to return Stark Tower pushing aside the worry for Natasha.

At Stark Tower, they argued over Tony's decision to finish what Aultron created and a little fight started between them. Thor charged the lightning power to the machine which created a new superhero, Vision.

They all suted up and made a plan of attack on Aultron at Sukovia where Natasha was held kidnapped by Aultron. Bruce insisted for rescue Natasha and due to they didn't have time to waste , Steve agreed on this despite he himself dying thinking something might have happened to her.

They landed at Sukovia and joined to finish everyone's job. When Bruce saved Natasha, he hugged her ," You asked me to run , right ?, Let's run together. I'm ready. " 

She held his cheeks and indicated like she was gonna kiss him but instead, she pushed him down saying ," I don't want it anymore. It's time to make my choice. " When he came in front of her turning in to the green hulk ." Let's go and be a hero." The hulk roared and jumped outside with Natasha and went to fight with the robot army of Aultron.

During fighting , Steve saw Natasha was outnumbered, so he threw his shield at her," Natasha!!" , she caught it and deflected all the robots around her. He took his shield back ," When did you learn to use my shield?", he playfully asked.

She smiled a little panting for air," Don't think you're the only quick learner here."

His smile faded ," You okay?" , concern laced in his voice.  She just nodded in response.

She looked around," You think we'll make it?"

He looked down and saw how fast the land where they stood , was flying upwards. He shighed and looked at her ," I don't know. But I'm not leaving  until one single civilian is here. "

She shook her head," I'm not saying we should leave. " Then she looked ahead, it seemed they were gonna touch the clouds in the sky. This view was beautiful. She smiled sadly," Where else I'm gonna find a view like this?"

He looked at her in heart eyed. The cloudy glow of the sun adding more brightness to her face. She was looking like an angle. He badly wanted to grab her face and......," I'm glad you like this view Natasha. Now it's gonna be more exiting. " Fury's voice interrupted his thoughts. SHIELD Hallicarrier came into view in the small clouds.

His face brightened in hope," Glad you remembered us , You son of a bitch." Through his com he heared the voice of all the Avengers rang in his ear ," LANGUAGE " He rolled his eyes and a laugh of releaf came from his face.

Fury controlled his laugh," Glad to know that your language became more purer than before, Captain."

Life boats sent by the SHIELD Hallicarrier came flying to there , Natasha turned towards Steve and Pietro ," Its rescue time ." Steve nodded and ordered through his com," Bring all the civilians to the life boats." And ran to finish his job.

After the first emotional connected conversation with Tony, Steve returned inside the Avengers Compound. Meanwhile Natasha was feeling miserable. Because of her Bruce left , God knows where. Fury apologised her for dragging her to this mess. She never wanted to hurt her friends. But because of Fury, she did. She did hurt Bruce.

She was on the video call with Laura when Steve's voice came from her behind," Are you gonna stand and watch the walls or gonna do some work ?. " She turned towards him before wiping her tears and raised an eyebrow at him. " I mean the walls looking pretty well. "

She hold back a smile rolling her eyes, realising that Steve noticed her sad face, that's why he was trying to cheer her up. " You know, sarcasm doesn't sutes you , old man. " Steve rolled his eyes. She walked up to him ," I thought Tony and you gonna cry hugging each other out there. "

He laughed a little handing her an
I Pad, " We both appointed to train our new team."

She walked by his side," Fury said , threats never goes away. So...Let's prepare them. "

He opened the front door and saw, Wanda , Rohdey, Sam and Vision stood there at the meeting room. He looked at his side to Natasha smiling softly then turned ahead," Avengers..."

But Natasha didn't let him finish ," ASSEMBLE " and all of them shared a laugh. It's a New Beginning for sure.

Now the story will take place between AOU and CACW . The events between this time , they're gonna find a way to each other. 💓


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