38. Patch up...

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It was already eleven at night when Steve reached at tower and went to the living room freeze to have a water bottle.  But when he was closing the door the bottle dropped from his hand on the floor. He bent down to pick it up but hissed in pain at his left rib. Of course he was okay, but it wasn't healed completely.

But someone else came from his behind and handed him the bottle picking up from the ground. It was Natasha. She gave him a half glare," Are you mad ?, You could have asked someone to help you."

He felt little happy by her concerned look but it vanished when he realised it's for nothing. He just walked past her , looking away," I thought everyone would be busy with something. " and walked to the couch and sat there closing his eyes.

She flinched a little by his cold behaviour, but still she sat by his side on the couch. " So how was  your date with Sharon?"

He whipped his head towards her ," What !!??", She cleared her throat ," Uh...Clint said ...You.. ", He cut her off," I've been to my therapist." , she shighed in releaf.  He raised his eyebrows in amusement," Would it be that bad , if I would have on a date ?"

She was little shocked by his bold question," It would have great.Its just...Clint messed with me." And faked a laugh tried to hide her jealousy.

He smirked a little looking away. Then his posture changed into serious. He turned towards her shighing ," Nat...I don't know what is it. I really don't. But still...I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Nat...."

She got confused ," For what?"

He shook his head in disappointment," It's obvious, I must have did something wrong, that's why you didn't even talk to me since last two weeks. That's why I'm really sorry...I'm..."

She felt like stabbing herself. She pushed him away. She decided to stay away from him. But unknowingly she made him feel guilty. He thought he did something wrong, that's why she was ignoring him!!

She quickly cut him off placing her palm on his shoulder," There is nothing your fault,Steve. You never did anything wrong. It's me who did wrong. Actually....I was feeling was so much guilt for what happened to you.
I know I never said it...But I care about you , Steve. Really.  It's because, maybe you're the only one. "She whispered the last part.

He fully turned towards her smiling softly," You don't need to say it out loud. I knew it. And...to clear your misunderstanding, I didn't did that because I had to, It's because I wanted to. You remember, I said you once, It's up to us, What should we prefer, What should we choose. So , Natasha, I did that because I chose to. To protect you, to save you.  For you."

After next two seconds, she leaned forward and kissed his lips so lovingly, pulling his neck down. He grabbed her face and kissed her, slow and passion. But the elevator opened and Tony saw the sence in front of him and his forehead drenched in sweat. He hurriedly closed the elevator and went to Clint , Natasha and Steve's floor.

He knocked at Clint's door , he opened the door rubbing his eyes. Tony pushed him on his couch," You know what I just saw !!!. Oh Jeeses , ...Oh god. Capsicle and red were kissing.."

Clint cut him off by his sleepy and half awake voice ," sitting on the tree?" and smiled like drunk.

Tony shook his head," No , on the couch, in the living room.!!"

Clint stood up now fully awake ," What !!!, Right now??!!" Tony nodded.
Then Clint dragged Tony with him and entered inside the the elevator.

Meanwhile, Natasha separate herself from Steve after a minute. " I should get going."

Steve nodded," Yeah , good night ."

And she walked to elevator and Clint stood there with a shocked Tony. They both came out of the elevator and Natasha entered inside and went to her room. They acted normal around Steve. Tony cleared his throat," How did the therapy went ?"

He raised his eyebrow," Well , great. Uh ...I should go to sleep." Stood up and walked towards elevator.

Tony blurted out, smirking ," To your room right?"

Steve looked at him narrowed his eyes, But Clint covered it," He meant , can we help you with anything?, you're okay right?"

He nodded and entered inside the elevator and went to his room. Clint smacked Tony's shoulder ," Are you crazy?, He must have doubted us."

Tony impatiently asked ," So are they a thing now ?"

He shook his head , shighing ," Not yet. But....what about Bruce . He is saying around , that he and Natasha are devlping something?"

Tony nodded," Yeah , I heared it too. But why he is taking it so fast and talking everyone about him and Red ?
I mean Red never said or gave any signal like that. It's just the past two weeks she is taking care of him, that's all. "

" Don't you think, Steve and Natasha makes more sense?"

Tony nodded and both walked towards elevator," If it already  progressed to kiss, then it should be. "
And both went to their own room.


I know it's little bit short. But I'll try to update sooner.

So they short things out between them. Tony found out about them. Now Tony and Clint will try to set them up and Cut Bruce from the triangle.


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