51. Accepting Completely...

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( There are some light mature contents, not heavy. You can skip it if you want , thinking they really accepted and showed their love to each other ....)

They returned to Avengers Compound next morning spending very enjoyable time there. Natasha wasn't herself since she returned. She seemed reserved to herself. Didn't talk much with others, but didn't ignored Steve though. She would talk to him occasionally, but stayed with him all the time.

That evening Steve knocked at her door when she opened it , he handed her a hoodie. " Let's go somewhere. "

She smiled for the first time since last night accepting the black hoodie. " Where ?" , she slipped on it and locked the door.

He grabbed her hand and walked side by side. " Just to have a walk. "

After twenty minutes of walking they reached at the city park. They sat on a bench facing towards the half moon raising in the night sky. They sat there enjoying each other's presence when Natasha's eyes landed on some people. A small happy family. A sweet couple and a boy , actually another one you can say. That woman was pregnant. That boy was running around his parents in circle.

A sweet smile played on her lips watching this view in front of her. But her smile vanished when a tear slipped from her eyes. She looked away but Steve caught all this. She shook her head wiping her tears. " I'm not good enough for you Steve. " He was about to say something but she stopped him," I know you told me you don't want that, but someday in future...you'll want kids. And I can't...", She couldn't finish her words , and sobbed covering her face with her palms.

He cupped her cheeks wiping her tears," Listen to me Nat , and very carefully. You Are Enough For Me. And I don't want you to think about yourself any low like this. As I said before, if we ever want kids in future we can adopt one. And...I never said you're sooo good. You're a badass . My badass." and chuckled on this.

She gave him a half glare but couldn't hold back her laugh. She leaned forward and kissed his lips hard. After few minutes they pulled apart, she rested her forehead on his ," Thank you. For never letting me feel like the kinda human I'm. For loving me so much. "

He stood up and extended his hand towards her ," I think we finished our thanks giving yesterday. "

She took his hand and leaned her head against his shoulder and walked side by side towards Avengers Compound. " I couldn't finish my thanking you yesterday, so ....I think I have some better idea to thank you enough. " She whispered in his ear and he laughed on her flirt.

Both went to Steve's apartment and laid there silencely. After sometimes she turned towards him, she cupped his cheek," Do you really think we should do this ?, can we work this out between us ?, you really think I'm the one for you?" She whispered looking into his eyes.

He pulled her by her waist and ran his finger through her hairs. " Why do you always having this self doubt in you ?"

" Because you never gave any reason not to. You always told me you love me , but still, I always doubt that you can accept me completely as me. " She was about to getup but he pulled her down to him and kissed her passionately.

She pressed her lips harder to him and moaned in delight. He laid her on her back and started to undress her one by one. When he was about to remove her top , she stopped him. He understood, she didn't want him to see her scar on her stomach. He kissed her again lovingly, assuring her that he was ready to accept her just like she was.

He removed her top and bra, and kissed the scar on her stomach. He looked into her eyes," I'm ready to suffer through anything if you'll walk beside me. "

She smiled looking up to his eyes," I'll. Everywhere, anywhere. I won't leave your side. "

They shared a kiss again and she began to undress him and let's say .....They proved their love for each other that night. For the first time they shared their love .

Next morning when Natasha woke up, she found some tightness around her waist. She opened her eyes and saw the lovely face which she never dreamt of. She creased his face making herself believe that he was really there with her. She smiled and kissed him , after some seconds he began to respond her. She parted away and saw the bright blue eyes staring at her lovingly. " Good morning Mr. Handsome. "

He smiled on her cheesyness ," Good morning Ms. Beautiful. " She couldn't stop her smile. She put her head on his chest and hugged his torso. He creased her hairs ," Its ten already. Don't you want to have breakfast?"

She placed a light kiss on his chest And whispered seductively ," I would prefer something else. "

" We have a team mitting today. Let's go , we have to get ready. " He said cupping her cheek.

She groaned but still woke up, dressed herself and went to her own apartment saying him to meet at breakfast table.

Steve and Natasha were the two who reached for breakfast at the last and together. Steve sat beside Wanda and Natasha sat beside Maria, across of each other. Tony raised his eyebrow at him ," Capsicle, ain't you our early bird ?, I mean you're the one who wakes up early from all of us. So what happened today?"

He looked at him then at Natasha, he controlled his blush and replied shauttring," Uh...I...I couldn't sleep till late night. So..." And cleared his throat.

Wanda put her hand on his shoulder," You alright?"

He nodded," Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks. "

But she senced something and looked at Natasha then Steve, again Natasha , her eyes widened," What ?!!, Really!!??", she screamed in realisation.

Natasha and Steve's eyes widened and before Wanda can say anything, they both screamed in union. " Get Out Of My Head!!!". Both looked at each other then towards everyone who sat there looking at them puzzled. First at Wanda , who couldn't control her smile. Then at Steve and Natasha, who were turning red with blushing.

She stood up from her seat but Tony stopped her ," Red , What about your breakfast?"

She glared at him hardly," Don't. I'm not in the mood right now, Mr. Stark." His eyes widened and shut his mouth.

She was about to walk away, when Steve stopped her," Nat , Your breakfast. "

She turned towards him in anger. But but...hell. Something must have messing with her mind, because his commanding voice sounded very sweet. Her face softened and she fought the urge to smile. She composed herself from her daydreaming shaking her head," I'm not feeling well. So...would you mind to bring my breakfast to my room after finishing yours ?" and gave him a pleading look.

He also controlled his smile and nodded . When she left the room all the others around the table looked at him for answer. He innocently raised his eyebrows " What ?"

Tony folded his hand on his chest and raised his eyebrows at him ," Don't you think you have some explanation to do ? . I mean she got angry when I told her about the breakfast and the same thing you repeated after me and she got calm down. How so ?"

He rolled his eyes," Because you called her by your stupid nickname . She doesn't like it. "

Sam smirked at him and mocked to Tony ," Yeah , and she loves his nickname, Nat. "

He glared at him , but nothing mattered. After breakfast he got a plate for Natasha and walked into elevator. Now all of them looked towards Wanda. Clint gave her an intimidating look ," Wanda?, What was going on?"

She stood up from her seat," Don't ask me anything. They told me to stay out of their head , so..." She walked towards the training room. Others sat there wondering , What was really going on???!!!


Hey, I tried my best to represent the lovely moment between them. I don't think it's that much good , but I hope you like it 😁😁


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