63. 0n the Run

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Then it was time to say goodbye. It was so emotional moment for the Russian sisters. Yelena let go of Natasha as she walked up to Steve who was talking to Alexi and Melina. Alexi patted his back ," Take good care of my daughter okay ?"

He looked to his left to see Natasha talking to Masoon, who arranged a queenjet for them. Then he looked back at Alexi with a genuine smile ," I will. With my life. "

Yelena hugged Steve a little tight , then whispered as she became a little emotional," You know , I never had a brother. " In between last one month , Yelena became too fond of Steve. They really shared a bond of siblings, just like he had with Wanda.

Steve pulled away and smiled at her holding her shoulders," I never had a sister either. Then Wanda came in. But I won't mind to have another. "

She smiled in glossy eyes ," Thank you brat ."

Sam , Wanda and Natasha walked up to them. Yelena hugged Wanda then Sam made a fake offended face ," What ?, where is my hug ?"

Yelena rolled her eyes but hugged him with a smile and pulled away saying," Don't be dramatic , bird-ass. "

Sam smirked at her ," And you're bad-ass. "

" Language!!", Steve and Natasha said in union as all of them fell in a pit of laughter.

Natasha glared a little at Sam ," Don't flirt with my sister , unless you wanna bear Maria's wrath. " Steve also hummed in agreement with his fience.

Sam frowned at them ," I was not flirting with her. "

Wanda raised her eyebrow ," You were trying to. "

Natasha shighed and looked at her family," So I hope we'll meet again , soon. "

Melina smiled at her," Of course, we can't miss our grandchild, can we ?"

Alexi laughed as she held Melina and Yelena with his both arms ," Exactly!!."

As they began to separate Steve looked back at Yelena," Good luck and take care , sestra."

Yelena waved at them ," You take care of my sestra. " They smiled and part ways to their respective destinations.

They got off from a bus , which they took to reach at the border of Italy. It's been three weeks since they started their journey from Budapest. They had enough cash for their travel through bus or train and less-manageable food. Now they were running out of money.

Walking through the silent street, out of the town , they saw a black car was approaching them.  They became in alert mode as Wanda's fingertips were turning glowing red. Natasha held her hand signalling, it's not required. They quickly ducked behind a dense bush at the roadside to avoid attention of the car.

But that car suddenly stood in front of them turning off it's engine. Someone came out of the car closing the door behind them and looked their around to make sure no one was watching them. It was pretty dark as it's five in the morning so the four heros couldn't recognise the person who stood in front of them , just a barrier of grass bush preventing them to see each other.

" Oh cut the crap, Natty!!. I'm little offended you couldn't recognise me. I'm not blaming that old man for it. But you ?!, and what about you, Sammy?!", That person shighed dramatically saying this.

Four of them looked at each other and whispered simultaneously," Maria?!!"

They stood up and walked towards her, she hugged Sam placing a small kiss on his cheek," Hello to you too Wilson ." And smirked at him, which caused him to laugh in releaf along with others. She then moved towards Natasha and hugged her as well ," How are you Natasha?"

She smirked leaving a sigh ," Well , we're on the run since almost three months. Guess we're best. "

Maria and Wanda shared a hug and pulled away after few seconds. " Your queenjet is perfectly fine now , needed some repairing here and there. That's all. "

Steve nodded at her ," That's good. Thank you. We'll need that in a week or two , we're moving to Wakanda. "

Maria handed Natasha a briefcase of cash ," Where you guys gonna stay till then ?"

Natasha looked at her side to the three of them," We're gonna stay around here. We can't move out of Italy soon. " All of them nodded in agreement.

She nodded and moved to enter her car ," Just give me your location , I'll bring you your queenjet. By the way, blond suits you Romanoff. " She winked at Sam as she drove away.

They walked a half of a mile ahead then they found a barely crowded motel. A few people coming out of it having their meal as they entered inside. An old couple around their mid-sixties welcomed them when they reached at the reciption area.

They had a heavy meal, as usual, a full meal on the first day of their so-called payment , provided by Fury, secretly, through Maria , once per two weeks. Rest days , they had to share two meals in between four of them. Because they had to pay high price to stay in some motel or almost-abandoned hotel. Because shortage of food could be manageable, but they had to lay low anyhow, So they were forced to give any amount they were asked for.

After having food, they walked to a room they had booked , where they found a single bed and another double bed at other side of the room. Sam insisted he would take the couch while the pregnant couple could take the double bed and Wanda should go for the single bed all for herself. But Natasha protested, because at other places before, Sam would be the one who always had to take the couch, as he gives the excuse of a pregnant Natasha and says she needs more comfort than others. So he never got a good sleep.

Now that they had some adjustable space , So she practically commanded Sam to share the double bed with Wanda and Steve and her could manage on the single bed as they likes to cuddle each other tightly while sleeping , So a single bed wouldn't be any problem. And as Wanda considered Sam as a brother , she had no worries at all. So he agreed with a little reluctance and all of them drifted in sleep.

They stayed at that motel for almost a week then Maria dropped their queenjet out of the town. They boarded the jet and flew towards Wakanda. Sam was on the pilot seat said Steve would do that when he would get tired. Wanda was sleeping resting her head on the headrest. Steve walked up to Natasha and sat by her side as she rested her head on his shoulder and dozed off. Her almost four months of baby bump was little visible till then. They were eager to know more about their baby with the help of Princess Shuri.

Will it be Jounior Steve or Little Natasha??

Gender reveal coming soon.


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