73. Rogers' and Starks

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Morning around seven o'clock, Steve's phone rang on his bedside table. He picked it up," Yes ?....That's a great news !!...okay we'll be there soon." He hung up the phone and turned to shake Natasha in her sleep. " Nat?, hey wake up we need to go."

Her eyes fluttered and she was greeted by her husband's smiling face. " Good morning ", and kissed his lips so lovingly. " is it time ?"

Steve got out of the bed heading towards wash room," They're already home." They got ready and in between thirty minutes they were in front of Tony's house.

Pepper just gave birth to a baby girl. Though Tony hadn't settled his issues with the Rogers couple, she told him about her pregnancy, gender reveal, her labor and now giving birth. To say, Steve and Natasha were very happy for them. After a year they were hearing a good news.

Tony opened the door and a dense awkwardness filled in the air. He nodded at them ," Come in. They just got here." They nodded and entered inside as he closed the door behind him.

Rohdey was there looking in the baby crib. He smiled as he saw Steve and Natasha. They bent down and the little girl's beauty took her breath away. She was so beautiful like Pepper , but hairs were like Tony's. Natasha looked at Pepper as she sat on the bed ," What's her name ?"

She looked at Tony then at her ," Her name is , Morgan Elijah Stark."

Natasha raised her eyebrow at Tony who was standing beside them looking here and there. " That name is so bossy , but a good one." Steve chuckled on her comment.

Pepper chuckled ," Would you like to hold her ?" Natasha nodded excitedly. She nodded at her," Okay then. Pick her up. "

Natasha bent forward and picked Morgan up carefully then cradled against her chest rocking back and forth. Tony was so much confused when he saw her easeness of holding the baby. How could  she be experienced in this ?. He got a hard time that Pepper had to help him to hold his daughter.

Natasha sat on the sofa as Steve sat beside her admiring her long lost motherly affections. She touched her cheeks with her finger as she opened her tiny eyes. " Hello Morgan. You're so beautiful just like your mom. "

Her little eyes lit up hearing her. Steve chuckled," Wow, she likes compliments. "

She faked a huff ," Ofcors. We're on the same scale , right Morgan ?"

Steve smiled down at her caressing her nose ," Looks like she already likes you Nat. "

Tony sat across then in the couch ," She better. Coz she's probably gonna spend more time with you. "

They looked at him in confusion then at Pepper who smiled at them and joined Tony on the couch. " Steve , Natasha , Would you guys like to be godparents of Morgan ?"

Steve and Natasha shared a look then looked at the Starks ," You sure ?", Natasha asked as she had doubt if Tony would agree.

But surprisingly Tony nodded," Ofcors."

Pepper smiled being genuinely happy as her husband approved her wish," Yes. Who else could be the best guardians other than the great Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff ?. She'll be most protected child in the world. "

Somehow Pepper figured out. To confirm everything, Rohdey had told her about them. Just slightly, that they  had a child that they lost in the blip. And she felt regret partly when she remembers Tony's hurtful outburst on Steve. But she hadn't told Tony anything. She knew this topic would hurt them more when it would remind them of their lost child.

So she tried to give them a little comfort by deciding to ask them to be godparents for her daughter. And she was glad when Tony agreed with a little hesitation.

Natasha looked at Steve then at Morgan on her lap ," Thank you Pepper. Our goddaughter. " Steve sat there adoring her.

After few hours of spending time with Morgan it's time to leave for Steve and Natasha. They walked out as Tony followed closely behind them. They walked to their car without saying anything to him. Tony got frustrated," Romanoff, you're acting like I was the culprit there. You stayed here for three hours and didn't even say a word. "

Natasha fisted tightly and was about to turn around, Steve held her shoulder. " Nat, Don't. Let's leave. "

She shighed still looked back to Tony then nodded at Steve with a tight smile, but Tony's words stopped her," Don't you think my behaviour is justified ?. Don't you think he deserves my hate after hiding the fact for years that Barnes killed my parents ?. How could he sit in front of me without a slight guilt on his face ?!!", till then Pepper ran at the door when she heard him yelling.

Natasha's eyes were on fire. Her hands were shaking with anger. Steve grabbed her palms desperately," Nat please. Lets go baby. "

Her eyes snapped at him," I'm telling you one last time , Rogers. Be quiet. Don't move. " She said greeting her teeth. That was enough to make his mouth shut.

Then she moved towards Tony," What did you just say ?, he deserves your hate ?. Along with Steve , I knew about that too. " Tony was visibly shocked. " And what you would have done if he would've told you about him knowing that Bucky killed your parents?. You would have searched around the world and killed him. "

She stood right in front of him now ," You had your parents till your early twenties. But Steve had no one since he was twelve except his best friend, Bucky. How could he have let you kill him ?. And besides , he was brainwashed. Just a fuc*ing remote controlled robot. In that sense , if he should be punished then what about you?. Have you forgotten those terrorist groups, who bought your nuclear weapons and killed thousands of innocent people?. But you had an excuse that it happened unintentionally. You had no idea about that. If the world should have held you responsible, then you deserved the worst possible punishment. So don't forget that."

She turned around to leave but stopped," And another thing. Think whatever crap you like, but , if you ever point your finger at my husband , I swear Anthony Edward Stark ,  I'll chop your hands off. And you know me better. " Saying she threw her signature smirk and left grabbing Steve's arm, shoved him in the car and she got the driving seat. With that they drove away.

Tony just took some moments to process what the black widow just said to him. He whipped his head back towards Pepper ," Did she just say ....her husband !!?."

She shighed ," You got only this ? seriously ?"

Tony nodded with a sigh ," Yeah yeah. I've to apologise. But, really Pepper , I didn't notice their rings. "

Pepper looked down at his hand ," Okay , but where is your ring?"

He let out a nervous chuckle," Oh, I forgot on the bathroom counter. " They heard a faint cry of Morgan. " Lets go inside. " And the couple walked into their home.


In next chapter they'll have a real talk.
Well possessive Natasha is damn scary 😲😡


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