61. In-laws

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After staying in each other's arms for a long time , wich seemed like just some minutes, Natasha removed herself from Steve's lap and sat at the edge of the bed. He wiped her face and kissed her forehead gently ," Nat ?, you told me it's impossible, then how ?"

She looked at him smiling softly then put her head on his heart holding his torso ," Because it's you. You made it possible Steve. First you fixed the broken pieces of my soul and heart then your serum did the unbelievable. Your serum healed my damaged fertility organ just like your love healed my heart. "

Steve felt like he fallen in love with her again and again. Her words melted his heart. He placed a small kiss on her hair and tightened his hold on her back a little," Because it's you Nat. I can't imagine my life without you. I gave my heart to you because the same love you showed me as much as I did. You're the reason I'm breathing, you're the reason I'm staying alive. "

She pressed her cheek  to his heart smiling tenderly closing her eyes ," I'm wondering you would have been a poet if not a soldier. "

He chuckled sweetly ," And you would've been my inspiration of each line of that poem. "

She let out a giggle not bothering to shift from her position," Now we're definitely became the kinda crazy and boring couple. "

He chuckled again," Exactly. Absolute typical. "

A slight knock caught their attention and they looked at the door , abruptly breaking their lovely position and moment. Yelena rolled her eyes shaking her head," Food is ready , if your romance talk is over. "

Natasha glared at her ," Shut up and get lost. " She spoke in Russian which made Steve to look at the both sisters raising his eyebrow .

Yelena huffed at her sister," I'm okay as long as you're not disturbing my sleep. So keep your moaning a little low. "  And got out of the room closing the door behind her.

Steve turned towards Natasha ," What were you both talking about?"

She smirked at him putting her hands around his neck ," She said we have to keep our voice low when we do those couple-stuffs. "

His eyes held utter confusion for a second then widened in realisation blushing furiously . " You're such a tease Romanoff. "

" And you're such a dork , Rogers. " And kissed on his cheek grabbing his hands ," Now comon food is waiting. "

He stood up and put his palm on her stomach," You both hungry ?"

She smiled at him ," Yeah starving . Now let's go unless it won't be long I'll be so horny for you. "

He laughed with his burning ear and cheeks ," Your father is gonna kill me." And both went to dining room to join others.

Around the dining table everyone having their food making small talks. Then Steve asked ," So where can we find that...taskmaster lady ?"

Yelena looked up to him then back to her food ," You don't need to , we can handle it on our own. "

Steve wanted to protest but Natasha squeezed his hand under the table blinking at him reassuringly. " Yeah , we'll manage. Besides that's our fight , you guys don't need to involve yourself in this mess. "

Steve shighed," Oh that's just your fight now ?!"

She looked at him seriously," Yeah, it's only our fight. You don't even know their tactics and moves, they're very dangerous. " She got up from her seat ," And I don't want you to involve in this . " And walked inside another room.

Sam and Wanda looked at Steve , but he shook his head. After having food Steve walked up to Yelena who was getting ready , arranging her guns at many straps. " I'm wondering how could you adjust with her. She never listen to you, does she ?"

He shighed and leaned on a table ," Oh it was nothing compared to what I've already seen. If she decided something, there is no chance she'd convince otherwise. " After some seconds of silence he asked her ," I think you already know about her..?"

He trailed off so she completed ," Her pregnancy?, Yeah I know. " She understood his point and clapped on his shoulder smiling a little," Don't worry , she'll be alright. Trust me a little, brother-in-law. " He narrowed his eyes at her in confusion. She looked at him with a small glare," You're not gonna marry her ?"

He smiled brightly at her ," Of course, in fact I..." , He stopped himself when he realised something. " Oh god , I forgot about that. " And rushed towards Natasha's room followed by a confused Yelena.

Natasha was arranging her batons when Steve reached behind her looking very tensed. She turned towards him," Nat , you remember that pouch , I told you about ?"

She knew what was he referring to , but she played a little," No , I forgot about that. I was in a hurry. You know Tony and Ross. By the way what was inside that pouch?"

His face fell in disappointment ," There was something very...important for you...for us. I can't tell you about that , not now as I left that in Avengers facility. "

Her lips break in to a smile as she pressed a soft kiss on his lips ," How could have I forget about that ?" And she reached  under her jacket and brought a blue velvet pouch.

He took that pouch from her hand and hugged her tightly giving the biggest smile he could muster. " Oh Nat , you nearly gave me heartbreak. Thank you for bringing it with you. " Then kissed her forehead gently.

She pulled away a little and looked at the pouch ," What's in it ?"

He smiled shaking his head," Not now . Let's go finish this mission then I'll show  you."

Her smile faded and she cupped his cheek," Steve please listen to me. I'll be okay. I promise. Please don't.."

He cut her off ," I'm coming with you okay ? Wanda and Sam also. We'll keep distract others then you can finish whatever with that so called taskmaster. "

She shighed then smiled at him," I'm not gonna kill her if you're thinking so. "

"What ?!!" , they turned around to see Yelena stood there narrowing her eyes at her sister.

Natasha removed herself from his grasp and walked towards her," Yes. Everyone deserves a second chance , so does she. We don't know what they did with her head. Maybe they brain washed him just like ...Bucky. " She looked at Steve. And he nodded in understanding. And Yelena agreed with her with a little reluctance.

They all reached at the place where they could find the taskmaster and the army of widows under her control. Steve pulled Natasha to a hug while Melina and Alexi looked at them in confusion. They looked at Yelena, who nodded at them to clear their doubts. Melina smiled at them while Alexi gave the same reaction looking down at his wife.

Steve pulled away and whispered at her ," Be careful out there. Both of you. "

She put her hand around his neck and brought his face down to meet hers ," We'll. I love you. " And shared a soft kiss with him.

Steve gripped her a little tight kissing her back ," I love you too. " They pulled away and started their mission. 

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