77. Now that You're Gone...

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This mission completed. Everyone stood on the quantum station and breathed in releaf. But not Steve. He looked to his left, how come his usual and familiar space beside him is empty ? Then his eyes moved at the man, whose body was shaking with his clothes completely wet. No no no NO!!!! His world stopped moving. This couldn't be happening.

First one whose voice came was Bruce," Clint, where is...Natasha?"

Clint had no answer. How could he face Steve now? Slowly he looked up to Steve, whose eyes glued on the same spot where Natasha sunk into the quantum realm. Then his eyes met. And without exchange of any word, they answered the cruel but truth, shattering news. Clint controlled the urge to sob in front of them when Steve stumbled on his feet and slowly with heavy footsteps, he walked down.

Tony, for some strange reason felt he was partly responsible for this tragedy. They weren't even sure if they snap the gountlet, everyone would be back from last five years. Steve had lost his son then, now his wife.

Steve didn't stop his walking till he reached at the small lake of the facility. He sat on the bench, and let his tears flow. Silently. Her memories clouded his brain as more and more tears streamed from his eyes. The first time he met her, first time they trained together, first time he hugged her, that warmth which put life in his body again.

Their first kiss, starting of friendship, their trust for each other, then that kiss which confirmed his feelings for her. Then their painful separation, and finally he completely fell in love with her. His abrupt confession, her getting scared of his love, then both of them admitted their feelings.

Then he remembered her saying," Meeting you was fate, being a friend and getting close to you was my choice, but further, falling in love with you was beyond my control. " The hopeless romantic type, he noticed first time.

He remembered Natasha laughing, when he told her that she was his first time, she joked about him being ninety years old virgin grandpa. A chocked sob came out of his lips as he tried to control himself from breaking down.

Next he thought about the nearly one year of time when they dated, being the super couple of the Avengers. Then they separated again, then their reunion. News of their baby, their wedding, her marriage vows, James' birth, the happiness in her eyes was unforgettable. Then the painful five years they spent being each other's support after losing James in the blip.

The hope and determination in her green orbs, when she told him that she would try till her last breath to bring everyone back. That last smile when she said, See you in a minute. He was sure it's been more than a minute now. Though he wasn't sure how many hours he sat there rewinding their memories. " You lied to me. " He mumbled looking above to find it's getting dark.

Footsteps neared him but he didn't bother to look back. Clint sat beside him, next to him was Tony. Thor and Bruce sat on another bench. They didn't know about Steve and Natasha. Though Bruce assumed, but he wasn't sure. No one said a single word. Natasha was so special for everyone. Maybe the central point of the Avengers, the glue that held them  together as a team.

Clint couldn't muster up the courage to say anything, how could he ? He let go of her hand. He couldn't save her. He failed all who believed in him.  After sitting there hours in silent, they walked inside, deciding to arrange the gountlet in the morning.

Everything went along as they had planned. But it's Avengers we're talking about. Nothing goes smoothly and Normally. This time, Thanos appeared from nowhere.

Getting out from the crushed building, Tony, Thor and Steve saw Thanos. Steve tightened his grip on the shield, This is For Natasha. And three of them charged towards the mad titan.

But it felt like impossible to stop him as he thrashed Tony, then threw Steve at a rubble and crushing Thor under his feet. Steve stood up on his feet. This is for Natasha. Then slowly he raised his hand towards Mjulnier. Now was time. Not a perfect soldier, but a good man. The purest one could wield the power of thunder. The worthy one. Could be used when it needed the most.

For the sake of the World. He closed his eyes, but they snapped opened when the metal rod touched his hand. The handle. And he threw the hammer at Thanos as he was about to finish things off with Thor. The hammer banged at the head of Thanos , along with him, Thor also looked at the direction where Mjulnier flew towards.

He chuckled as realisation hit him," I knew it. " Thanos angrily kicked him and ran towards Steve who charged at him with his shield and hammer. Let the show begin.

But in no time, Thanos got the upper hand, and freed his entire army. Steve mumbled to himself," What ever it takes. Till the last breath. For Natasha. " And stood up grunting in pain. Gripped the belt of the shield on his hand, and walked towards the alien army, alone.

Giving up was never an option for him, and he never wanted it. He wouldn't. Just then he heard something unclear in his earpiece. He frowned and concentrated more," Captain...Ca...Captain, can you hear me?... Do you copy?... This is wing commander Sam Wilson. " Then silent. " On your left."

He looked back, millions of releaf flowed through his body as he saw Sam flew towards him through some golden yellow portal. Then the Wakandan King, and his soldiers, Buckey, Wanda, then the magician he heard about, and he was genuinely happy as he saw the Queens kid landed with the famous pose.

He looked around as thousands of portal opened and the snapped fighters came though them. He took the centre stage. This is the fight of our life, we'll win this, whatever it takes. He summoned the hammer," AVENGERS!!! Assemble !" And the roaring of them filled in the battle field.

The fight finished, humanity was victorious. Thanos and his army bliped away. Tony got severely injured, as he snapped the gountlet this time, but he had taken to Wakanda instantly through Dr strange's portal.

Outside Tony's house, Steve and Clint looked at each other then looked at Pepper, Wanda , Sam and Bucky stood behind them. Steve nodded at them then walked inside the jet with Clint. They were flying towards his farm house. Where their family was. James, Laura and Clint's kids.

So I finished the endgame battle part in a rush.

Now it'll be a tough job for Steve to make James understand about Natasha.

This season will come to an end in few chapters. Next we'll see how their life take turns.


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