60. Way back to Each other

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After so much struggling, fighting , they succeed to take down the red room. But still taskmaster was chasing Natasha and Yelena with some widows. Both decided not to run away anymore, but to fight back.

But due to tiredness and injuries, they couldn't handle much time. Yelena was grunting in pain on the floor, but she stood up and started to throw punches at them. The taskmaster was behind Natasha, and threw her shield towards her , who sat there leaning against a concrete wall , panting heavily. But before the shield could touch her, someone caught it in the midair and threw that back at the taskmaster.

That shield collided with the taskmaster with a bang and she fell on the floor. That man turned to his right and instructed someone ," Sam ?!!"

That other man nodded ," I'm on it." And ran behind the taskmaster, who stood on her feet and was trying to escape from there.

Natasha saw in her blur, vision a man and a young woman ran to her side to pick her up from the floor. That man had beard and blonde hair and the woman had brown hairs and a jacket which seemed similar to her. That man's touch was also very similar. But before she could figure anything out , she passed out in his arms.

Yelena came to them running and breathing heavily and pointed her gun at them," Stay away from her. " Steve looked at her in confusion. She repeated again," I said , Stay away from her, I won't say thrice. "

Her thick Russian accent caught his attention. Who could be that protective for her here ?, " Yelena ?"

She straightened her gun at him more ," How did you know me?"

Before he could reply , Sam came there flying and landed beside him ," That was a girl , I unmasked her. Sorry couldn't get her. Is she alright?".And gestured towards Natasha in his arms. Then he noticed Yelena pointing her gun at them. " Woh woh, put your gun down. We're the Avengers. I mean...ex-Avengers. "

Yelena raised her eyebrow at them then turned towards him ," So you're the falcon ?"

Sam turned at Steve and raised his eyebrow , smirking at him, silently saying Yelena recognised him but not him. Then he turned towards her ," Yeah, and you ?"

She rolled her eyes," I'm not that fond of introducing myself. " till then , Natasha came to sense and she rushed to her side and helped her to stand. Natasha couldn't see properly to her surrounding.  Due to the injury in her headd and her pregnancy which made her very weak and tired. Yelena supported her sister by holding her shoulder," Lets go. " And other three of them followed her.

When they reached at their safe house, Melina and Alexi were already there. They laid Natasha down on a bed and Melina started to treat her wounds. Yelena sat with Steve, Wanda and Sam at the other side of the room.  She asked Sam ," So where is Captain America?", she still couldn't recognise Steve, who sat right across her. It's been more than a month to the civil war, so the grown beard helped him to disguise himself. And besides , there are very few people who recognises him without his captain America uniform. So she had no fault.

Sam decided to make a little fun so he held back a chuckle and said in a serious and regretfull voice ," Sorry. We couldn't bring him with us. We left him there in Germany. "

Yelena lost her cool hearing this, " What ?!!, you left him there alone ?, your government and iron man's team will kill him if they found him !!, how could you?"

Steve rolled his eyes on Sam's childish mess and held back a laugh , So did Wanda and Sam. But Melina's voice interrupted their not-so serious, but very serious conversation," Natasha, you feeling better?"

Steve practically ran to her bed side and bent down to see her. They just kept looking at each other. Not a single word coming out of their voices. Their eyes held so much emotions for each other after meeting more then a month , which felt like a decade to them. She smiled at him in teary eyes," Dye your hair and beard grey , you'll look like an old man, which practically you are. " She had to admit , he looked more handsome in his short beard and a little long hair than usual.

He missed this, he missed her. He chuckled a little on her tease ," You made me worried out there.Just for a moment. Cause I know how good fighter you are. Nothing can harm you. "

" Excuse me !!", Yelena's voice brought them back to the reality. They looked up to find, Yelena , Melina and Alexi looking at them weirdly and Sam and Wanda controlling their laugh. Yelena glared at Sam , then turned towards Steve and Natasha smirking a little," Mr America huh ?"

" Ohh finally , I got to meet my biggest rival. !!" Alexi shouted making the Russians groan in frustration, while the Americans looked at him in confusion. " You know, our government made me so I can compete with you in future..."

Yelena rolled her eyes, interrupting him and left the room saying ," Oh please not again. " And Melina dragged her husband with her out of the room.

Wanda sat beside her bed ," How are you Natasha ?, feeling better ?" She nodded in response.

Sam gestured Wanda towards outside," We should leave them alone for a moment. " She nodded and both left.

Steve sat beside her and made her sit also. But she moved to his lap and rested her head on his chest, hugging his torso. Steve smiled and tightened his hold around her waist. She looked up a bit and kissed him lovingly , erasing the longing of a month. They separated and she put his palms covering her stomach. " I have to tell you something. Sorry don't be mad at me. I couldn't find good time to tell you about it."

He smiled and kissed her forehead," I could never be mad at you Nat. Tell me what is it ?"

She couldn't control her emotions till then. How could she be so lucky to have a man like him?, he gave her that what she never imagined of having , pure love and a symbol of love - their baby. She smiled at him in teary eyes ," Steve ...I'm..I'm pregnant. We're gonna have a baby . We're pregnant Steve!!"

He just couldn't believe himself. He was gonna have a baby with the woman he loves. They thought it's impossible, but now hearing this news , he couldn't compose himself. He kissed her with every ounce of love he had for her. Showing the greatfulness and the immense love for her. Then he looked down to his palms , on her stomach and her palms over his. A family, a life, for which they craved from their whole life, it was gonna complete very soon. They're gonna have a family. Their own. He , she and he or she .

It's one of my favourite chapter. I was smiling all the while . Happy family 😊😊


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