42. Scaring Nightmares...

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Natasha woke up from her sleep again, again the same nightmare. The same blonde man appeared again. And it didn't take long to figure out who the man was. He was probably sleeping in his apartment next to her. Steve.

She didn't got sleep again so she walked out of her room and went to living room and sat on the couch without noticing her surrounding. Then she sensed a hot breath at her ear and then a whisper," What are you doing here at this time?"

She nearly fell down from the couch clutching her heart," Who the hell...STEVE YOU SCARED ME " She yelled at him.

After a minute of laughing he composed himself," Oh my God, I'm so lucky today. I never imagined the black widow would scare of a whisper. "

She just glared at him sitting back on the couch. He went to the kitchen and came back with a bowl of nodules and two forks and sat the bowl on the table and handed her a fork.

After some seconds of silence he started," Can't sleep?". She just nodded. Then he said ," It must be more hard for you, since Bruce left. I mean...it must be heart broken for you. "

She decided , she would explain everything to him. She would reveal everything. She shook her head," Its nothing like that Steve. It was a mission. " He looked at her in confusion. She looked at him," When the hulk incident happened with you, Fury told me to control Bruce. So if something happens like that in future it could be prevented if I can control him. I know it's not fair with Bruce, but I had to. "

Millions of releaf flowed through his body after hearing the truth. She looked at him with a guilty expression," I'm sorry, I wasn't there for you when you needed someone the most. I ignored you for almost twenty days because this. "

He shook his head ," You don't need to say sorry Nat. Clint was always there with me. I wasn't alone. "

Tears welled up in her eyes," I wanted to be there for you. I wanted to help you through out your recovery. I wanted to take care of you. But I couldn't. "

When a tear dropped from her eyes, he pulled her in to him and hugged her tightly. She seemed shocked for a moment but soon she also hugged him back tightly. It was the first time they hugged like this. It might not be much, but it was more meaningful for them.

He rubbed her back soothinghly ," You were always there for me and you still are Nat. You got it?, You don't need to say anything. I know. " They stayed like that for some time then he pulled away from her," Its 3 in the morning, You should get some sleep ."

She nodded and both walked towards their floor upstairs. When they reached at his apartment at the corridor, she nervously started," Can I stay here with you?, maybe I can get some sleep. " He raised his eyebrows in surprise . Then she realised what she just said. How weak she sounded," If you don't..."

He cut her off," Hey hey , Its okay. Come inside. " As he opened the door for her. She reluctantly entered inside. Then he gestured towards his bedroom ," You sleep inside. If you need anything, I'm here outside. "

Again she had to show her vulnerability to him. But she knew he would never judge her for that. He already witnessed her vulnerability. She looked down almost shamefully ," Can you lay down with me ?, it can help with the nightmares. "

He can understand how much these nightmares disturbing her. It caused the black widow to ask someone to sleep with her. He gave her a soft little smile and went inside his bedroom. There was a jar of orange juice on the bedside table, he noticed her strange look to the juice so he poured a glass and offered her," It helps me when I gets trouble in sleep. "

She shook her head," No I don't need ." And slept on the bed on her back. He too climbed on the bed and covered both of them with a big blanket. She reached to his hand and squeezed , and whispered," Thank you. For everything ."  He smiled at her and both mumbled good night and drifted to sleep.

Next morning when Natasha woke up, Steve wasn't in the bed. Then she smelled the fresh hot coffee and saw he was stood at the bedroom door with two cups of steaming hot coffee.

He up to her and handed her a cup ," Good morning, sleep well?" She smiled and nodded and took a sip of the coffee. " Wow , Its amazing. You made it?" She complimented him, he nodded then she raised her eyebrow," Why don t you make everyday ?"

He chuckled shaking his head," Clint doesn't let me ."

She rolled her eyes," His coffee tests awful ." Both went down to the training room where Clint and Sam were starting sparring.

Clint noticed the coffee in their hand ," Where is our coffee ?"

She walked past him , and sat on a bench. " Neither we're your waitress not your maid , so go and make yourself. "

Steve too sat beside her laughing at Clint's childish face. Clint looked at Sam then turned towards Natasha," You didn't made it either, did you?"

She took a sip of the coffee," No Steve did. He's the best." And patted his shoulder smiling at him.

Clint groaned and started sparring with Sam. Then Natasha and Steve headed to their training spot.


My story plot got a little bit distracted.
But I'll clear it soon.  I just wanted to add some funny fluff .

Let me know in the comments, how would you like the story, according to its path ?
And sorry, Its a short one. Next will be a longer.


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