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So... whoops, a summer holiday kinda just turned into three years didn't it? How many of you wanna kill me right now?

Well anyway, hello veterans and new comers, how are you all? Missed me?

I've been through a whole lot in the last few years, I graduated uni, had several messy failed relationships and grew into this whole ass woman. I'm so far away from the person I was so many years ago, I've grown up and out of certain habits, but something I never wanted to grow out of was writing, but somehow along with my soul I suppose being at uni sucked all that inspiration right out of me. I think it's about time i at least have a go at getting back on this horse. IM NOT MAKING ANY PROMISES but, I'm gonna re read the second book, scrap all those drafts I had written and start the ending of this story all over again. I can't and won't promise they'll be delivered because I think it's cruel to keep making promises, and if they do get released I can't promise they'll live up to expectations built over 3 long years, but I will do my upmost to put you all out of your misery.

I remember writing these books the first time, and being so happy within this community, it'll be nice to come back again, even if only for a little while.

I'd also like to say there was supposed to be a playlist added at the end, I assure you it was perfectly tailored and thought out, but it won't be added now, sooooooorrryyyyyy.

Anyway, kisses, your humble servant, Lokimakerofmischief.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now