23~ Passion and Need

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The front door banged shut again and I was roused from sleep, I sat up and rubbed my eyes before I threw the sheet away and slowly climbed out of Eric's bed, I put my ear to the door and listened, I heard two people talking so I realised I couldn't leave yet. Next thing I knew the door was being opened and I was shoved backwards, Eric opened the door fully and stood aside so that I could come past him "you can come out" my eyes shifted to the second man in the room and back to Eric, I was asking a wordless question "it's okay, this is Drake, one of your leaders"

Drake smiled at me, it was odd at first to see such an intimidating looking man smile, like seeing Eric smile only scarier. Drake was a large man, his muscles were obvious under his clothes and were bigger than Eric's, he had tanned skin, a dark beard hanging from the bottom of his face and a mop of shoulder-length scraggly hair growing from the top, his eyebrows seemed constantly raised even when his face was relaxed and there was a cut through the left one "I'm not as scary as I look, I promise" he said in a gruff voice.

"I thought..." I started, not knowing how to finish.

"Don't worry, I'm one of the cool leaders, I won't tell anyone" he turned to Eric "you didn't say anything about a girlfriend, I'm offended"

"She's not-"

"I'm not-"

Eric and I both looked at each other, I tried my hardest not to blush but it was extremely difficult "so why- you know what, dude, I don't even want to know" Drake moved towards the door with heavy feet and looked back at Eric "in future, until initiation is over, perhaps no more house calls, hmm?" Eric said nothing "nice meeting you"

"And you" I smiled. Eric and I really needed to talk.

Before Eric could say anything that would deter me from the mission I had given myself only seconds before, I turned to him and blurted out "we need to talk, like, right now"

Certainly he was quiet for a moment, he blinked at me and gestured to the sofas, I sat down on the sofa facing away from the bedroom and put my hands in my lap, I had just insisted we talk, and now I had no idea what I wanted to say. Eric sat on the opposite sofa and stared at me with an intense gaze, neither of us were comfortable, neither of us wanted to have this conversation, but it had to be done eventually.

I looked to the exposed brick wall to my left, where I had cleaned the blood from "there was blood on your wall, you know"

"Drake and I had a bet, I won" he said simply, his grey eyes still trained on me "is that what you wanted to talk about?"

I stared at my hands in my lap, smoothing my thumb over my hand a few times "no" I looked up, remembering the way he had held me in that corridor, the way his hands felt on my body, the way his pillow smelled, the fabric of his shirts between my fingers "what are we doing, Eric? What is this?"

He thought on this for a moment, never releasing my eyes from his "a giant 'fuck you' to the rules"

My mouth released a breathy laugh, it did rather feel that way "I don't know how to ask you this, I don't know how to tell you- whatever this is, I'm certain it has to stop"

"You're probably right" my heart jumped as I looked up at him, I wished he disagreed with me.

Our eyes were locked for only moments before we were both off the sofas and rushing towards each other, time slowed and the seconds it took for me to get up off the sofa turned into hours, but then, as Eric stepped up on the table and jumped down in front of me time sped up again, I laughed and before I knew it his hands were holding both sides of my head and pulling me to him.

I didn't attempt to fight him, I welcomed his lips onto mine and felt a delicious fire burst through me, he kissed me as though he had been waiting to do so for years, and I reciprocated with the type of passion that told him I needed him too.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now