4~ Initiates

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Four, Lauren, Eli and I had completed our training and the Choosing Ceremony had arrived. We met with the leaders and they decided what each of us would be doing "that leaves-" Max reviewed his plan in his head and then sighed "Eric and Prue" he hadn't thought it through, he didn't like Eric and I working together for whatever reason and wasn't pleased that he had forgotten to separate us "you'll both be leading the initiates back to the compound" Max's dark eyes sat on me sternly "Eric will do the talking"

Everyone's roles were pretty much the same as last year, the only new additions were Eli and I, he was gonna wait with Four and Lauren, and I was going to be accompanying Eric on the roof "I don't need to remind you that it's always good to scare em a little" Drake smirked at Eric, and Eric of course smirked back.

"Its my pleasure. Really" I noticed Four's jaw tense but he said nothing, I think he was more annoyed that Eric enjoyed scaring initiates, because Four himself scared us too so it would have been a little hypocritical to be annoyed about that.

We all headed for our places, Eric, Max and I went to the tracks and caught the train along with all of the initiates. It was interesting to listen to their conversations, most were buzzing with excitement but some were anxious because they hadn't gotten Dauntless in their aptitude tests. When the train started to slow a little the three of us jumped out and everyone else followed, I still wasn't used to jumping out of a moving train and my ankles wobbled a little before I regained my balance, then as the initiates excitedly ran to the far building Max stepped in front of Eric and I and stopped us walking "if you can, refrain from any romantic gestures in front of the other Faction Leaders and the initiates" this was no request, this was an order.

Eric's head nodded slightly and the closer we got to the Hub the more I saw him shifting into instructor mode. As we entered the building and entered a large hall, the initiates took their seats, as everyone was sitting down we saw a blonde woman in blue approaching us, a fake and yet convincing smile on her face "Max, Eric, how lovely to see you both again, and is this young woman a new leader?"

"No, Jeanine. This is Prue, our newest instructor" Max said.

"Ah, of course, my mistake" she outstretched her hand to meet mine and shook it with a firm grip, her eyes maintained eye contact to an almost threatening degree, but she didn't scare me, I was dating Eric "pleasure. It's unusual for an Instructor to accompany leaders to the Choosing Ceremony" neither Max nor Eric said a word, but Eric shifted awkwardly and Jeanine seemed to understand that we were together, so she changed the subject "is Prue short for Prudence?"

"It is"

"Lovely. You must have ranked well to get the instructors position" I realised then that she made it her business to know everything about everyone, her thirst for knowledge was evident in every question she asked.

I smiled pleasantly "yes, I ranked third"

"Second" Eric corrected.

My stomach sank, I'd never get used to moving up a rank because Alyssa had died "right"

"Oh? Did you move up a rank?" She inquired, she was probably trying to work out if Dauntless couldn't rank their initiates properly.

I swallowed the bile in my throat and felt my mouth suddenly go dry, I couldn't answer "there was an accident with the top initiate, she unfortunately died" Max said with no hint of emotion.

I wanted to hit him, I wanted to beat him within an inch of his life for acting like Alyssa was just an initiate, like she wasn't a person at all "ah yes, I remember hearing something about that, tragic but you must tell me more later" her eyes peered behind us and lit up with a ravenous hunger, that look was dangerous and I pitied whoever was on the receiving end "you must excuse me, Abnegation have arrived" she politely said goodbye and slithered towards the arriving Abnegation representatives- a tall, thin man with greying hair, a shorter woman with brown hair and wise eyes, and two people whom I assumed were their children, as all Abnegation were they looked to be a plain and simple family, the blonde girl looked as though she lacked any kind of personality and her brother seemed to think he needed to speak for her. Jeanine would probably tear them to shreds if you left them in a room alone.

"Come on" Eric hurried me out of the way as the final girls and boys took their seats, once every chair was filled Jeanine took to the stage where the four bowls representing each faction sat, she made a boring speech just like last year about the brilliance of the faction system, and then thankfully, Markus- the leader of Abnegation and the government- took her place and made a short speech before beginning to call out names.

I only paid attention to the Dauntless members, not many of them transferred but the few that did earned glares from the two leaders beside me, the only other people I paid attention to were the transfers, I wasn't surprised by many of those who transferred, it was much the same as last year, the only difference of course was that an Abnegation had chosen to leave her faction. It was the same girl I had seen with the middle aged man and woman that Jeanine had gone to speak to, her brother also transferred only he went to Erudite, Jeanine looked very smug.

My eyes looked up at Eric as the Abnegation girl sat with the Dauntless "didn't expect that, did you?"

Eric stared down at me and slightly shook his head, I knew from the look in his eyes that he didn't expect her to even reach the train. My eyes found the girl in grey amongst the sea of red and black again, she was carefully sticking a plaster over the cut on her palm with shaky hands, I could see her parents looking between her and her brother with betrayed and disappointed looks about them, I wondered if my parents would have had the same look.

Once every teenager had made their choice the Hall was dismissed, the Dauntless were excitedly getting up out of their chairs, Eric and I ran ahead of them and Max stayed behind to speak with Jeanine. I didn't like the look of them together, both of them had a malicious nature and the thought of the two of them alone made my stomach turn, nothing good could come from their 'friendship'.

Eric and I were first up to the train platform, I had almost lost my footing once and laughed when I remembered I'd done exactly the same thing last year, then it hit me that it had only been a year since the last time I'd climbed it, we watched the new initiates struggle up and I imagined myself among them, shaking fingers and adrenaline coursing through me. I was deep in thought reminiscing until Eric elbowed me, I looked up at him and he nodded his head towards someone, I followed his gaze and my eyes fell on the Abnegation girl, pulling her sleeve down nervously, there was no doubt she was proud that she'd made it, and there was no doubt that Eric and I were as surprised as she was.

"Really didn't expect that" I whispered, and Eric's raised eyebrow meant that he agreed.

Beatrice's eyes met mine for a brief moment, I didn't know what to do, scowl like Eric and Max would have, smile reassuringly, or just look away, she had looked away before I could decide and so I concentrated on the sound of the arriving train.

Beatrice's eyes met mine for a brief moment, I didn't know what to do, scowl like Eric and Max would have, smile reassuringly, or just look away, she had looked away before I could decide and so I concentrated on the sound of the arriving train

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