15~ Day off

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We had a few free days before we started stage two, and none of us knew what to do with them, I spent most of the free days in the infirmary, no matter how much I pleaded with the medical staff they wouldn't let me leave. Four came to visit me when he heard how restless I was getting, he remarked that I shouldn't have been worried about missing free days, I should have been grateful that I wasn't missing training days, otherwise it would have been me being made Factionless and not Edgar.

Adam came and visited me everyday, I'd tell him to leave me and go and enjoy himself but he was always adamant that he didn't have anywhere better to be, I knew he was lying though because every time Eli would come and visit he'd tell me that Adam kept turning down his party invites.

Eventually I was discharged with only two free days left under very strict orders to take it easy (personally I think the medical staff couldn't wait to get rid of me, every time nurse Agnes started her shift she'd give me evil stares, the old bag) I'd spent the first of the two days being mollycoddled by Adam and Alyssa, they wouldn't let me do anything fun and kept holding my hand as if I couldn't walk, I was constantly having to remind them that it was my shoulder that was stabbed not both my legs.

On my second and last free day I left accommodation before either of them got up, which was incredibly difficult since Adam slept in my bed so that I wouldn't roll over onto my shoulder. I'd managed to get as far as the Pit before they inevitably came looking for me, the first thing I could think of was diving behind Eric for cover "what are you doing, initiate?"


"Usually people hide from me, not use me to hide"

"I'm hiding from Adam and Alyssa, they keep acting like I'm an injured baby bird. And it's your own fault for being big enough to hide behind"

"Right, with my amazing abs and my biceps and my 'triceratops' " I had to stop myself from hitting his back, but I couldn't stop myself from going bright red, luckily he couldn't see me.

I bit my lip and looked around him to see where Adam and Alyssa were, I saw them walking my way and grabbed Eric's sides to try and turn him around, but as expected he wouldn't move "yeah... I've been meaning to come and apologise for that, but I couldn't really work up the courage- will you please turn?"

"I think I might stay right where I am and enjoy your misery" I had a feeling he was actually either enjoying my hands on him or he was enjoying me begging.

"Oh come on! Please! It's our last day before stage two and I don't want to spend it being wrapped in cotton wool- please!" I was starting to panic as they were getting closer and there was no time to run for the exit, they'd definitely see me.

"What's in it for me?"


"You heard"

"I don't know... whatever you want! I'll shine your shoes I'll make you breakfast I'll... read you a bedtime story! Just move... please"

I could tell he was smirking before he sighed and started to turn, other than being a complete dickhead Eric was the perfect hiding place, neither Adam nor Alyssa had the balls to approach him and Eric was right, people hide from him and avoid him. Eric turned as I turned him and people were starting to give us very strange looks, I was crouching behind him, my hands were on his waist while he turned very slowly in a semicircle with his arms crossed, if I were anyone else I would have been looking at us weirdly too.

Eventually they gave up and headed out to look for me somewhere else, I sighed with relief and stood up straight "shit I thought they'd never leave" Eric turned to look at me "thanks, you actually did a nice thing"

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now