34~ Job

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Choosing our jobs had not been easy, we had discussed it before amongst ourselves, but when you're sat with the five leaders waiting for you to decide your future, the pressure was really on. As an initiate who had ranked third I had rather good job options. They weren't keen on offering me anything close to leadership, they offered that to Alyssa and Z, Eric had already told me that Jackson was retiring to spend more time with his family, so the position would be open soon, Alyssa turned it down much to their disappointment, and Z was all for it. I didn't need to ask Alyssa why she turned the best position down, we both knew she wouldn't be in the faction for much longer.

After Z had chosen to be a trainee leader, I was called up to choose next. Eric explained all the positions that were open and the ones he and the other leaders thought I should go for, and of course which ones were beneath me. Eric was very passionate that I not choose a job on the fence, and Leanne couldn't help but smile a little every time he brought it up. In the end there were only two things that I was even remotely interested in on the list.

Control Room Operator

Initiate Training Instructor (Dauntless Born)

I wondered why it specified that I would only train Dauntless-born's, especially when I had so much experience with being a transfer, but Max explained that Four and Eric had already agreed to resume their positions as instructors next year "you know, I sometimes wonder if two instructors is enough... I mean the transfers need a lot of attention-"

"Lee" Max sighed "two instructors is enough"

"Well, I know that Eli boy is interested in training too, maybe he could have the Dauntless-born's with Lauren, and Prue could go between both" I could see right through Leanne, she wanted Eric and I to work together.

"Really... I'm happy with the control room if-"

"No no, we can sort this out" Leanne had insisted, Eric was shooting her glares and if she had noticed she wasn't showing any indication.

Max was getting impatient, it hadn't taken this long to sort the first two out "there's nothing to sort out, she can cover Four's shift in the control room when he can't be there, I'm sure Logan will appreciate the help"

"Oh come on, the transfers need to learn from someone like Prue, at first she was just the last jumper, and now she's ranked third. And, the Dauntless-born's-"

"Lee" Max warned.

I could tell that Leanne was very used to getting her own way, she had that sort of personality that demanded to be agreed with "I say she does both jobs, half control room, half instructor. What does everyone else think? Prue?"

Suddenly my life was thrust back into my hands after Leanne had snatched it away "to be honest I'm fine with either, if I can help out with training in any way I'd love to, and if the control room needs an extra pair of hands then I'm down for that too"

"Great, Jackson?"

"I mean... two and a half instructors can't be bad, and I think the female transfers need to see a woman that can make it through initiation" I agreed with that, I could have used Leanne during training, it was uncomfortable telling Four that I had started my period and didn't know where to buy sanitary products.


Drake beamed a great big smile "I say if she wants to do both, let her do both"

"This isn't a democracy Leanne-" Max tried to intervene but Leanne ignored him and carried on.

"And finally, darling Eric, what do you say?"

I knew Eric would be professional, and he showed no signs of favouritism "I think it could be useful to have a woman around for the female initiates, but Four and I can do the job alone, and we have"

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