38- The Final Chapter

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Since that drunken night Eric and I had begun to rebuild our relationship, it started the next morning when I realised we had found our way back to each other for the third time, and that maybe either we were just that toxic, or the universe was trying to tell me something. We nursed our aching heads together and eventually began to talk it out. If there was anything still there between us, I wanted to find out and so did he.

Four months passed and it was like the last 5 years apart never happened, I still had everything I'd learned being without him, but we just seemed to pick up right where we left off. And now the new initiates would be arriving in a matter of weeks, and I was desperate to get one thing sorted before they did.

"I want a new sofa"

"We don't need a new sofa"

"I hate your sofa"

"Well, I love my sofa, we've made so many memories on that sofa"

"Yes well it's ugly and if I'm moving into your apartment I want a new sofa"

Eric rubbed the bridge of his nose and looked at me with an exasperated expression "we are not getting a new fucking sofa when there's nothing wrong with the old one!"

"The fucking springs are coming out!"

"No they're fucking not!" I narrowed my eyes and flared my nostrils "don't you look at me like that we are not getting a new sofa"

I cast my searing gaze around the shop and once I'd found what I was looking for my grin grew. I took his hand and guided him over to the middle of the shop, pushed him down and sat myself on his lap, placing my crotch exactly where I knew it would torture him the most "not even this one?" Eric looked down and saw the black leather sofa of his dreams, firm and shiny and new. I wasn't using sex to manipulate him and he knew this, I was showing him how much more comfortable this one would be to have sex on. Okay... maybe I was manipulating him with sex.

I could tell he wanted it as much as I did now but his frame still fell slightly as his shoulders hunched "but I'm the one who's gonna have to move that fucking thing in" he sighed as he tossed me off.

"So we're agreed! Henry, we'll take it!"

"Great but can you guys maybe not screw on the furniture?"

"Next on my list!" I shouted as I ignored Henry and began marching to the other side of the shop "a playpen"

Eric joined me with a confused look contorting his features "why do we need this monstrosity in our flat?"

I looked at him like it was obvious "for when the kids come over"

"But it's not my fault that your friends and my friends had kids so why does my apartment have to suffer?"

"Because I want to be able to invite our friends round and obviously they're gonna bring the kids" baby Alyssa had been born a month earlier and Leanne and Drake had adopted a toddler from outside the city while also waiting for their surrogate to start showing and eventually give birth. Their surrogate who ended up being Logan's girlfriend Lola, and let me tell you it was very amusing watching him trying to juggle the mood swings and cravings "and it's our apartment now, dickhead"

"Fine whatever, can we leave now? You know I hate being in Erudite"

"But they have the best furniture you have to admit that" we promptly left the Erudite sector and got on the train, our new furniture promptly arrived the next morning.

I was so pleased with how amazing the sofa looked I forgot about the playpen and the extra crib that I hadn't told Eric about "what the fuck is that? Are you-"

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now