13~ The Plan

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The initiates had gone for their visiting day, I stayed clear, I didn't need a repeat of the year before. I stayed in Eric's apartment, curled on the sofa reading the end of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Eric would be back soon and I was honestly looking forward to it, it was going to be the first day of our time off before stage two began, and we needed it.


Eric had been difficult to live with since initiation started, he had been moody and irritable, he had thrown things, screamed and shouted, there had been times when I wanted to break his fingers.

I was just on the second to last page of my book when I heard a knock at the door, odd, I had thought to myself, I looked at the hook next to the door, Eric had definitely taken his keys.

Wonderland was put aside as I got up and answered the door, surprised to see Drake "oh, hi. Sorry, I wasn't expecting you"

"I hope I didn't interrupt anything" he said.

"No, just reading"

"Cool" his eyes searched the apartment space that was visible to him "is Eric in?"

"Not yet, is it urgent? I can tell you where he-"

"No, it's fine, I just need to drop this off" he held up an unsealed white envelope, though at one point I could tell it had been closed. He stood and stared at me intensely for a few moments, like he was giving me time to look at whatever was inside with my x-ray vision while he tapped the envelope with his index finger, it hardly seemed good manners to inform him that I had no such x-ray vision "can you give it to him? I've got to run, Lee and I are going out"

I took the envelope from him and held it at my side "anything else?"

"Just that"

He made to walk away so I started closing the door as I said "okay, I'll be sure he gets it. Have fun"

Just as I was about to close the door Drake jogged back "oh, Prue"


With a large finger Drake pointed to the envelope "Eric's eyes only, understand?" He gave me a strange look, like he thought I should take a peek.

I narrowed my eyebrows and pressed my lips together "okay, sure. Bye"

"See ya"

I shut the door and looked down at the envelope, my eyes swept over the senders address, I recognised it and the faction logo immediately. Erudite, what would they be sending the Dauntless leaders? They had no business interfering with our faction. My fingers ran over the open edge, it was tempting, but I remembered Drake's instructions and threw it down on the counter.

While I waited for my other half to arrive I pottered around the apartment, cleaning up miscellaneous objects that Eric had left lying around, put a bundle of clothes on to wash, made a coffee and washed the sides down. As I was washing the counter I came across the envelope again, I stared at it for a minute knowing that when Eric came home it would be the first thing he looked at, we needed to talk, about me moving in, the whole pregnancy business, the initiates, I didn't want him distracted by paperwork.

With a frown I picked up the envelope and went to move it into the bedroom, but I must have picked it up from the wrong end by accident because one of the pages slipped out, if I had just pushed it back in everything would have been fine, I would have been happily oblivious. But a word caught my eye, 'Divergent'


Alyssa was Divergent. That's why she had been killed.

Without hesitation I pulled out the documents and sat down on the sofa so that I could lay them out on the coffee table. There were several pages, and most of them were heavily redacted. Thick black lines made it impossible to read complete paragraphs, but I was able to read enough to understand. The gist of it was that Divergent's were different, therefore dangerous. In Erudite's opinion they needed to be extinct.

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