5~ Midnight Wandering

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A thunderous sound echoed throughout the accommodation on our third night, I'm not sure if I had been too preoccupied with worry over the first two days to notice, but Edgar, Tarrant, Thackeray and I think Alyssa, all snored and together they made one loud earth shaking sound. I had also had my first proper fight earlier that day, so I suppose that was a contributing factor towards my insomnia.

I took my pillow and threw it over my head, pressing it against my ears to try and block out the sound of four people snoring in dreadful harmony. But it was no use, the deep growls seemed to seep through the material and stuffing.

The fact that I would never get to sleep was obvious and irritating, I had knife throwing and gun firing again tomorrow, I needed to be focused and steady, not half asleep and wobbly.

I shifted onto my side and looked towards where Adam's bed was, trying to see his face through the darkness "Adam?" I whispered, loud enough for only me to hear, I sighed, I was afraid of waking everyone else up "Adam" I whispered louder this time, hoping my voice wouldn't carry any further than his ear "are you awake?"

A few seconds of snoring filled silence went past, until I heard a low grumble in a familiar voice "how could I sleep?" I laughed under my breath and heard Adam shuffling in his bed, the next thing I knew someone was tapping me "I hope that was your shoulder... can I get in?"

"It wasn't, and sure" I pulled my covers back and shuffled a little so that Adam could climb in.

"Yeah I thought it felt a bit squishy... sorry" we both laughed as he got comfortable next to me, I was quite content on stealing his body heat while he laid his head on my- actual- shoulder, his legs bent a little over mine so that he could fit in the bed "so, how are we feeling?"

"About what?" I whispered.

"About everything, about Dauntless, training, the instructors, your fight with Z- who by the way is a goddess, athletically and physically so you should be proud of yourself for winning that fight- and of course the cake" he wasn't wrong about Z, I envied her in many ways, she had a luscious curvy figure, flawless and natural caramel skin, long dark hair, plump lips and big eyes, she was every mans dream- well not every mans dream, my new friend dreamed of Four instead- I envied her because of this, and because she was good at virtually anything she did.

I was not even comparable to Z, I had a bony figure with small boobs, skin that needed constant attention and average lips and eyes. The only things I liked about myself was my hair and my legs, I had long hair and long legs.

"Er, well, Dauntless is awesome, obviously, unruly but hey, we knew what we were signing up for. Training is-"

"Hey! Do you two mind, some of us are trying to sleep"

I couldn't really tell who had spoken, it sounded like Darlene but I couldn't be sure, what I was really thinking about though was how she could sleep through thundering snoring, but not Adam and I whispering "sorry" Adam apologised, though I did not feel so inclined "you wanna go explore?" He asked me.

What the hell, I wasn't sleeping "sure, come on" we both got out of my bed and quietly slipped our boots on, I didn't bother to lace mine up and hurried out into the hallway.

We had no idea where we were going, we just started to mindlessly walk along the endless shadowy corridors while we talked "so anyway, Dauntless is amazing, and training... well I think I'm getting there, I mean winning my first fight, and against someone like Z, that's pretty cool, though it was definitely luck. I'm still getting used to all the physical stuff though, I think I might have to do a little extra working out if I want to rank well, but if it means I get to stay then I'll do it. As for the instructors, they're okay, frightening and intimidating in every way possible, but okay. My fight with Z, still beaming about that one. And the cake? LOVE the cake"

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