17~ Gone

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Song: Gone by Lianne La Havas

Leanne took me back to her apartment after a quick check up with the medics. She sat me on the sofa and offered me every hot drink she could think of, but I didn't speak, I stared at her wall and kept replaying everything that had happened. Drake could hardly look at me, the hand prints on my neck kept drawing his eyes.

"You're really starting to scare me, Prue. Talk to me"

A tear left my eyes as she put a cup of tea down on the coffee table, Drake gave my neck one last look before he stood up from the breakfast bar and headed for the door "I'll be right back"

"Where are you going?" Lee said from her crouched position in front of me.

"Out" but Leanne and I knew better, we knew where he was going.

"Don't" I said, both of them looked at me like I was a child who needed to be protected.

Drake scoffed "don't? That is out of order" he pointed to the hand prints.

"It's no different to when you and Leanne fight, I've seen the bruises you give each other, she's broken your ribs and you've fractured her jaw. Besides, I told him to do it" I shifted my eyes to the steaming cup of tea, I knew the looks they were giving me, like I'd sprouted three heads and a tail.

"Why would you tell him to kill you?" Leanne whispered.

I stood up and threw off the blanket Leanne had wrapped around me "I told him that if he didn't I'd do everything in power to stop what Erudite is planning" they were shocked, not because they didn't know, but because I did "The Plan, Abnegation, Divergent, all of it. And then I took his hands and I put them around my neck. But he couldn't do it, he couldn't kill me because-" I tried to think of a reason, but I couldn't "I don't even know, but he didn't, so you don't need to go out kicking your best friends head in"

I made my way towards the door, but before I could leave Leanne gently grabbed my hand "Prue, what you know- it's dangerous knowledge. More dangerous than I think you know"

"I know, Lee. That's the problem" I glanced at Drake before I opened the door, Z was there, about to knock.

At first she was happy to see me, but that lasted a second, she saw the mascara on my cheeks, the redness of my eyes, and finally the pink hand prints on my neck "what-" but I didn't stay to reply, I pushed past her and ran down the stairs until I reached my apartment, I couldn't look at her, I couldn't explain what had happened, I didn't have the energy.

I opened my door with my eyes on the floor and once I closed it I rested my head against the cool metal surface, my hand still holding the door handle. I felt like crying again, but I wanted to be stronger than that, so I sniffed it all back and turned around.


He was sat on my sofa, staring at me with sad eyes, he regretted everything, and Eric wasn't a regretful person, but I could see it there on his face, the way he looked at me like he had broken me "I figured you'd have to come home eventually" he looked into my eyes for a second before looking down at his hands "and you're not throwing me out so I guess that's a good sign" he swallowed and looked at my feet "but you're not saying anything either which isn't a good sign"

"We need to talk" I eventually whispered.

"I know" he stood up slowly, I'd never seen him this way, slow and timid, scared of what I might say "Prue, I am so sor-"

"It's over, Eric"

Eric was stunned silent for a moment, if our roles were reversed I'd be the same, especially after everything "what? We should talk before-" listening to him speak was too hard.

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