33~Gear Up

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It was difficult the next day to stay inconspicuous, knowing what we were about to do, it made us all feel energetic and defensive, like anyone who looked at us for longer than 5 seconds knew and was going to report us to Max. It also, more than anything, made us impatient. It was like this was the longest day we had ever lived and every minute lasted at least an hour. We were itching to start this mission and help heal our city.

Four and I still had to go to work like usual, now that initiate training was more or less over he was put straight back on duty in surveillance "do you regret not going into Leadership? You could have had the drop on this whole thing a lot sooner"

Four shrugged, watching Tris in the gym over the monitors "do you really think they'd have trusted me?" He raised his eyebrows knowingly and I nodded slowly while holding my bottom lip between my teeth.

"Right, Abnegation"

"They'd have assumed I'd run and tell my old faction about everything, they'd have never cut me in. Plus, I'd have probably been assassinated by your boyfriend for the position eventually" this was a half joke, none of us were under the impression that Four trusted Eric now, he wouldn't until he was proven wrong.

I looked for him on the monitors, he was just by Max's side looking over a clipboard in the initiation room, they were overseeing the set up for the ceremony, of course only one of them knew there probably wouldn't be a ceremony "probably" I admitted "and he's not my boyfriend"

"You're not gonna take him back?"

An odd question coming from Four, who really should have named himself 'Not-Getting-Involved' or something "you want me to?" I jabbed.

Now he cast his eyes to the same monitor I was watching "no its just, maybe you make him better. I'm willing to bet all the cake in Dauntless that if you weren't here, none of this would be happening this way. Eventually I might have had to kill him" the look I gave him was less than encouraging, yes Four had come out on top during initiation, but I couldn't imagine him taking on a powerhouse like Eric now, but then again muscles aren't everything, there was maybe a 50/50 chance it could go either way, which I suppose he knew too "or him kill me"

I wanted to tell him that I couldn't live my life based on whether or not my influence would make Eric less of an asshole, you can't exist only to be the leash on a person, but I knew he didn't really want to hear any of that. As I looked over the factionless on the screens I thought about how the outcome of our mission would effect the whole city, the ripple effect from our actions "do you think the faction system works?"

Four seemed to consider this carefully, truth be told if he had asked me I'm not sure I'd have known what to say "I think it probably did, and it doesn't now. You can't categorise people, it's just not how people work, or it shouldn't be. Whether or not you have the aptitude to be one thing, doesn't mean you don't have the capacity to be more"

"Right, you can be brave and smart, honest and kind"

"From what I've read, history has always been about forcing people to be one thing, maybe what we set in motion tonight will help... fix all that somehow"

I tilted my head and shrugged while nodding "or we could be imprisoned for conspiracy, attempted murder, treason, etcetera etcetera"

We laughed though it wasn't really funny "we could be"

"I mean just because we know what's happening doesn't mean anyone else will believe us" I worried about this the most, even if we weren't caught, even if we destroyed everything and murdered Jeanine, we could still be persecuted if no one believed us, we could turn Jeanine into a martyr.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now