20~ Mistakes

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With my head in my hand I pushed my food around my plate, thinking about Thackeray, I know, don't berate me. But, Logan had mentioned once or twice that he wasn't in a good place, and that I should have gone to speak to him, obviously Logan wasn't aware of what happened between Thackeray and I, he was just worried about his friend and knew I was his sponsor "stop it"

"Hmm?" I looked up and saw the looks on Z and Eli's faces "what? Stop what?"

"Pushing your food around, you and Eric have been broken up for all of four days, you cannot still be thinking about-"

"Wait, if we broke up you'd be over me in less than four days?" Eli asked with a raised eyebrow and a slight smirk pinching at his mouth.

Z rolled her eyes "no, but Prue is different, seconds are hours for her and days are like months, she gets over things fast" how did she know me so well? I swear, to Z I was just a book, sometimes I'd forget that she had come from Candor like me and not Erudite, though both possessed similar qualities.

"I'm not thinking about Eric, I'm thinking about Thackeray"

"Why are you thinking about that toenail?"

Eli, as ever, looked confused "what? I'm missing something, aren't I? So what don't I know now?"

"Thackeray is the reason she and Eric broke up" I love her, but she was tactless. God, I had missed them so much that I didn't feel angry at all, even though I had no reason to be, Z hadn't really spilled the real reason, so it didn't matter.

Eli's jaw dropped into his lap "don't look so shocked, we could all see he had a thing for her. Except Prue of course"

I smirked at Z acrimoniously "yes, I know, so you keep saying"

"So if he's the little wart that broke you and Eric up, why are you thinking about him all dreamy-eyed?" Eli questioned, though I didn't think I was being dreamy-eyed.

I sighed and pushed my tray away, why did it feel like I hardly got to eat anything when my friends were around? "Logan said something the other day at work, he thinks Thackeray is losing it or something"

"So? Why do you care? Isn't he going back to the fence in a few days anyway?" Z asked.

"Yeah, tomorrow, but I can't let him go drunk, if he pukes on their precious fence he'll be punished for a year"

"Again, why do you care? That little-"

"Okay" I interrupted "if you're going to compare him to something else that grows on the human body I think I'll just stop you right there. I care because of Alyssa, I was only looking out for him to honour her and I shouldn't stop just because he made a mistake. A really vomit inducing mistake but a mistake nonetheless, besides I'm the one who rejected him and sent him into a five day vodka binge, I'm responsible"

Z scoffed, Eli was just watching us like how a spectator watches a back and forth ball game "you're not responsible, he is! He kissed you and you were well within your not-single-rights to reject him, god if someone kissed me while I'm with Eli I'd deck them and then break their arms" Eli smirked "what he did was not okay, you should just let him drown in a bottle of rum for what he did to your relationship. And Alyssa would say the same" I couldn't tell her that our relationship was broken long before Thackeray made a move, because I still thought it was too dangerous.

"Okay, well I have to go, Four asked me to meet him" I left out that Four asked me to meet him so that we could talk about Uriah, he was a Dauntless-born initiate and the only Divergent Four had weeded out, I had been coaching him over the past few days, using Four's advice to show him how to pass for Dauntless, he had caught on quickly and our sessions were already no longer needed, I just needed to check with Four to make sure everything was still okay with him.

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