27~ Hangover

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I woke up the next morning on Eric's sofa, the pillow pushed off onto the floor and my face stuck to the leather arm of the sofa as drool ran down my face. I didn't remember much of what had happened the night before, I vaguely remembered sitting on the stairs with Z, and I remembered Eric coming, he carried me, and then everything else was a blur.

There was a slight pull to the top of my head, I reached up and found that half of it had been pulled up into a bun, by the way it felt it had been done badly, so I knew Eric had done it so I didn't get vomit in my hair. For five minutes I sat on the sofa just rubbing my head before Eric appeared out of the bedroom, fully dressed and showered "what- what time is it?" I groaned.

"Late. You've been asleep for hours"

I didn't reply, I just watched him through aching eyes as he pottered around the kitchen, fixing up food for himself and fetching two glasses which he filled with water "I'd feed you but I'm afraid you'd only bring it back up" he frowned as he handed me one of the glasses.

"I'd say I feel better but I don't remember feeling worse" I tried to think back to the night before "did we talk?" Somewhere in my subconscious I knew there had been a conversation, and I dreaded what an alcohol filled ex-Candor would tell someone who asked the right questions, I panicked that I had told Eric all that I knew about Erudite, revealed the things I'd done to help Drake and Uriah.

"A little" he sat down on the arm of the chair opposite me, my stomach turned, not just because of the hangover, but also because I was afraid. Had I told him everything?

With shaking hands I put the glass to my lips and took a few slow sips, trying to delay the inevitable "what did we talk about?" I asked as I lowered the glass.

Eric was as reluctant to answer as I was to hear it "nothing important" I went to push him but he slapped his lap with both hands and then stood up "right. Um, I'd better get you home"

"I think I can manage" I grumbled, but as I went to slowly stand up my head started to pound and the room did a few spins "I think I'm dying"

"You're not dying"

Eric never got to hear my reply, the door swung open and both of us heard an energetic voice bellow "hey, you ready Eri-holy shit" Logan's eyes fell on me "what are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Eric and I are going to the gym. Now you" I sighed and rubbed my head, a headache creeping it's way to my eyeballs, Logan seemed to understand "ah, hungover"

I looked up at Logan, he had been at that party too, he'd probably drunk more than me, yet he was rosy cheeked and bright eyed "how the fuck are you standing up right now?"

"Thackeray's hangover cure" he smirked, like being given the recipe was a true honour.

"How can you even... that stuff's vile"

"Don't mean to interrupt here" Logan and I looked around and saw Eric staring at us with his arms crossed over his chest "but do you two need to have this mother's meeting in my apartment? No? Good. Logan wait here I'm taking her home"

Logan nodded and sat down on the part of the sofa where my top half had been laying, he put his hand down on the arm and must have dipped his fingers in my drool, I could tell by the way his face went sour and his fingers humorously rubbed together. Then Eric came and wrapped my arm around his shoulder as his sat around my waist, with very little effort he hauled me up and started walking me towards the door "safe trip, Princess" Logan sniggered.

"Bite me"

We walked slowly down the stairs towards my apartment, taking it one step at a time so that I didn't fall and roll down the many steps ahead of us "what did we really talk about, Eric? What did you ask me?"

"I didn't ask you anything" I found that surprising, I assumed he'd take advantage of the situation, but maybe he didn't need to, maybe I was telling him everything without provocation.

"Then what did we talk about?" I was desperate to know, I was desperate to have Eric tell me that I'd only talked nonsense, that nothing of great importance had been said.

We had reached my apartment, I dug into my pocket and fumbled for the key, pulling it out slowly and handing it to Eric. As he pushed open the door and walked me in he said "you told me that if I wasn't doing what Erudite wants then you'd have stayed with me, you said you'd follow me to the ends of the Earth. Then you called me a dick. But that was after you told me how much you still want to do me"

I bit my lip, relieved that I hadn't done any damage to Drakes plans, but horrified by the damage I'd done to our relationship, we were supposed to be trying to be friends, how was telling him how much I wanted to fuck him supposed to help? "You understand that I was drunk, right?" I said as he helped me onto the sofa, my eyes locked on his.

Slowly his eyes looked up at me, I saw sadness and grief, but also hope and a will to live. I'd given him hope, and I shouldn't have "drunk Candors tell the truth"

"I'm not a Candor anymore"

"Aren't you?"

Eric stood up straight and folded his arms again, we stared into each other's eyes for a moment before I quietly said "no"

"It's not something you can just shake. Feeling compelled to always tell the truth-"

"I was drunk, Eric! If I had told you the sky was green would you have believed me?"

His eyes stared levelly at mine "you're the only one who could tell me that and make me believe it"

I sighed and shook my head, it was still aching and I didn't want to be having this conversation, having my head and my heart aching was too much "it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter because, because I can never forgive you. I think of those Abnegation children every night, do you?"

His jaw clenched and he turned away towards the door "when it's all over you'll understand. When you see- how- how everything is better. You'll understand" I'd never heard him like his, struggling to form a convincing argument.

"Who are you trying to convince?"

He looked back at me with blank eyes, as though he was hiding all of his emotions from me "I'm doing all of this for you. So that you can have a safe future"

"We didn't join Dauntless to be safe, Eric. We joined to keep everyone else safe, and you're not doing that anymore. You've betrayed everything this faction stands for. You've made me feel physically sick. You're not doing this for me, none of this will be done in my name"

"I thought you understood me, Prue. I thought that was why we were perfect"

I bit my lip and stared at the floor for a moment before I eventually looked back up at him "I thought so too"

Eric didn't say anything more, he pulled the door open and closed it behind him as he left. I waited a few moments before I brought my legs up onto the sofa and tucked them into my chest. I was tired of trying to convince him he was wrong. And he was wrong, but I didn't know how I could make him see that, because that's what gave me hope.


I was still hoping that we'd find a way to be together again in spite of everything, as much as I tried to deny it, I wanted to be with him always.

My hope was that I'd help him see the light, that he'd realise what a vulgar mistake he was about to make, and then we could work together, we could be together. But how could I convince him of anything when he was so hard headed? It was like talking to a brick wall, one that would never move.

 But how could I convince him of anything when he was so hard headed? It was like talking to a brick wall, one that would never move

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