30~ Reprimanded

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Max ordered Eric to go to their meeting room and he told me to follow, I think he somehow figured by the things I had said that this all had something to do with me. Drake came too, though he wasn't asked to, but I was glad that he did because he could support Eric, and he did. It was Drake who explained how he had rescued me from those boys, he gave detailed descriptions of everything he had done to get them off of me and everything he knew about the situation.

I was asked to explain what happened before he got there and I found it a little humiliating, although those events didn't haunt me they still made me feel weak, and I hated feeling weak. After I had finished telling the story Max didn't look any happier, he was staring at Eric who was staring at his fingers intently, trying to stop himself from losing his temper "so that gives you permission to attack an initiate in the middle of breakfast?"

"He and his scum friends-" Max held up his hand to silence the youngest leader, Eric's lip twitched but he said nothing.

"You're a leader, Eric" Leanne had joined us too after hearing about what happened, it was her who was speaking "you're not an initiate anymore, you can't just go around hitting people"

Max held a hand up to her too, apparently he wanted complete control over the situation "why didn't you come to us with this problem, so that we could sort it the proper way?"

Eric scoffed and I saw Max's jaw tense "we both know we couldn't have done jack"

I could tell he wasn't helping himself, and I was concerned that he didn't care. Max leant forward in his chair, staring between Eric and I "so why attack him like that?" Eric didn't answer "is there something going on here that I'm not aware of?" Yes.

No one said anything, so Max continued "you're aware that fraternisation with the initiates is forbidden?" Eric stared intensely at Max, but he still didn't speak, so Max turned to me "you were Candor, yes?" I nodded sheepishly "it must be difficult for you to tell a lie, even now" the closest I had ever come to successfully lying was that day I fought with Eric in the ring, I knew what gave a lie away and did the opposite, and Z had helped me to be more convincing while we were shopping.

Max leant further forward and looked carefully into my eyes "have you ever slept with Eric, your instructor?"

Easy "no. I have never slept with my instructor" he searched my features for a second before he nodded and sat back.

"Once initiation is over, Eric" Eric looked up from his lap "you can choose anyone you like, until then, I suggest you keep your relationships professional" there was a clear warning there, but I knew Eric wouldn't care, he wouldn't let one small rule keep us apart with only two days left.

When we left the meeting room Eric brushed past me and moodily stomped off to his apartment, I didn't understand why he was acting that way, I knew he didn't care about the rules, and I had done nothing to offend him "hey, initiate" I turned around to see Leanne "come with me" I followed her and Drake silently back to their apartment without question.

It was exactly the same as Eric's, only it was a whole lot messier. Eric's place was virtually bare, but Leanne and Drakes apartment was littered with knick knacks, stray clothes and a pile of shoes by the door, the majority of the clothes were obviously Leanne's and so were the shoes, I doubted Drake would wear those bras or those heels "don't mind the mess, Lee made it this morning getting ready"

"Shut up and go trim your beard, it's ridiculous" Drake stuck his tongue out at her and walked into the bathroom, leaving the door slightly open "sorry about that, it tickles" I laughed, Drakes beard was rather long. Leanne threw some clothes off of the sofa and sat down, she patted the spot next to her and I timidly sat down, I was more terrified of that small woman than I was of Drake or Eric "so, you and Eric, are you together?"

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now