22~ Dauntless In Disguise

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I saw Four at breakfast the next morning, he had a cut on his lip, I didn't ask how he had earned it, because I saw the state Tris was in and wondered if they were related. I had been in the control room all night, but I hadn't seen anything out of the ordinary- except Logan drunkenly make out with a pipe that is- maybe whatever happened to the two of them happened in the shadows and the blind spots.

Tris' friends converged around her, obviously they were just as curious as I was, Tris spared a few sharp looks in Peters direction, and when Drew hobbled in she gave him much the same look. I saw Eric next, he noticed what I had, his arms were crossed over his chest as his eyes ran over Drew, and then Tris, he stared at them for a few seconds before sitting back down with the other leaders.

As their instructor I ought to have known why two of them were in such bad shape, so I got up and abandoned my breakfast, jumping into the empty seat next to Four "what happened to Drew and Tris?" I asked.

"What makes you think I know?" He deflected my question, which made me think that he did know something, if he had just said anything like 'I have no idea, I was just thinking the same thing' I probably wouldn't have suspected him, but he didn't, he chose to be defensive.

I narrowed my eyes at Four, who's eyes were trained on Drew triumphantly "because you're looking at Drew the way Eric used to look at Thackeray" we all knew that look, like he had hit him once already and would be ecstatic to do it again.

Four stuck out his bottom lip and shook his head, feigning ignorance, then stood up and looked over at all the initiates to make sure they were all present "I've gotta go, we're starting the fear landscapes today"

Then he left, and the whole time I spoke to him he hadn't looked at me once. I frowned as I watched him tell the initiates to follow him, once they were gone I sat back at my table and picked up the book that I had been reading. Reading never used to be a hobby of mine, we had to read in Candor and in school but I never found it enjoyable, but now it had become one of my favourite pastimes.

"What are you doing?" Eric asked as he passed me.

"Oh, um" I stuttered, trying to figure out what to say. We hadn't spoken in a few days "I'm- I'm reading Sherlock Holmes, one of the books you recommended" I smiled awkwardly up at him, secretly hoping he'd sit and talk to me about the story, I missed talking to him.

He used one finger to push one side of the open book so that he could see the cover better and read which one of the Sherlock books I had "are you enjoying it?"

"Yeah, I mean... I don't know, there's a lot I don't understand"

His arms crossed as he started to look interested "like what?"

"Well," I tried to think of all the things that I had come across which had confused me "they talk about carriages that aren't on trains, telegrams, something called Big Ben, I mean, you get the picture? Oh, and cameras, I don't get those"

Eric smiled, I hadn't had the pleasure of seeing him smile in a while, I was relieved that after everything he still could "yeah, they don't exactly cover everything in those know-it-all Erudite history books"

He was right, if I was this confused then Erudite obviously didn't know everything, because I had read all of their history books and telegrams were never mentioned "well-"

"Actually they don't put everything they know in their books" I was going to politely ease us into parting ways but Eric obviously hadn't finished his thought, and even though I knew it was time to say goodbye, I was intrigued.

"What do you mean?"

"Well Erudite have a sort of archive under the main building, I only ever saw it because my parents were high in the food chain"

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now