35~ I Promised Her

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After we had finished completely packing up our lives we all got glammed up and headed for the Pit. The thumping music could be heard from the other side of the compound, and once we had pushed our way into the middle of the crowd we could hardly hear each other, but the longer we stood there dancing the more we acclimatised. Z was an excellent dancer which was no surprise considering she was good at everything, and Alyssa had two left feet but she did her best. And I couldn't tell you what I was doing, the music was pulsing through me and I just let it do the work, Z and I were doing some slutty dirty dancing and when Adam came to join us shit really hit the fan.

After an hour of dancing and socialising I was about ready to collapse, I went and found the closest person handing out drinks and downed two bottles of beer while Adam and Crash flirted. Then I just happened to look to my left and to my surprise I saw Eric, never in my life would I have expected him to show up to a party, and I was a little shook that he hadn't asked me to go with him "hey there" I said as I  approached Eric and the man he was talking to.

"Hey there, you alright?" He said, scoping the area like he was looking for a disgruntled man who I might have just slapped for hitting on me.

I laughed and put my hand on his chest "I'm fine, just surprised to see you here" Eric didn't like people, and this was a Pit filled with drunkards who wouldn't care if they pissed him off.

Eric pointed his thumb at his friend "Drake, Leanne and this fucker threatened me. Leanne said she'd carry me here if I didn't come" I couldn't help but laugh, that sounded about right.

"So this is the initiate you 'did not' have a relationship with. No wonder you've been in such a fucking good mood"

"Well you obviously know me but I don't know you"

The man looked disappointedly at Eric "you rat bastard. You don't talk about me all the time? I'm offended and I never want to see you again" I liked him already.

"This moron's name is Logan" Eric said as he rolled his eyes. So that was Logan, he was Eric's friend in the control room who deleted unwanted footage for him, and he was my future coworker/boss.

Logan wasn't what I had pictured in my head, he was tall and skinny with just as much muscle on his arms as I had, he had blonde hair shaved at the sides and tied in a knot at the top, he was also wearing a tank top with low cut arm holes that allowed you to see all of his tattoos, the mans arms and entire torso were covered in them. I looked at him and I saw Thackeray's future. I could also swear that I'd seen him before.

"I think we're going to be working together" I said with a smile, Logan seemed like he saw a part of Eric that none of us really saw, I saw the soft side, Drake and Leanne saw the machine side, and Logan probably saw the lost boy side, that part of Eric that partied and went wild, the young side.

"Ah yeah they told me about you earlier, I had no idea you were doing this shithead though" that was the only time that night when I almost choked on my drink, suddenly it clicked.

"You were a Candor, I remember you now, Logan Young, you were kind of a legend back home" Eric started laughing, pointing a finger at Logan's startled expression, several people around us were slightly disturbed by the sight of Eric laughing, but I was interested to know why "what's so funny?"

Logan gave Eric evils but he didn't phase him "you've known him one minute and you've already figured him out"

"Let me guess, you're not proud of being a transfer?"

The heavily tattooed man scoffed "no transfer is proud that they're a transfer" I didn't know if that was true, I wouldn't change being a Candor for half of my life, it's good experience.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now