10~ Gossip

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Adam started nudging me at breakfast the day after the party, I didn't realise how drunk I had gotten, I didn't have a splitting headache but I was still feeling very groggy and I really did not want to talk to anyone "what?" I grumbled, staring disgustedly at my porridge.

"Listen" he nodded his head over to the transfer initiates table, Tris and her friends were talking to each other across the table. They were talking about me "either they have no idea you're sitting here or they don't think you can hear them"

I listened in carefully to catch each word they were saying "what do you mean? She seems nice" Christina said.

"She's too quiet. She reminds me of Eric, only... smaller" Tris admitted.

Chris scoffed "Prue is nothing like Eric, he hung me over the Chasm, remember?"

Tris frowned but it was Will who answered her "yeah, and she didn't stop him"

"You should have seen the way she looked at me, like she thought what Eric was doing was okay, and then she just turned to Al to tell him to set his watch. I swear I saw Eric in her eyes" Tris shivered.

"Well, I like her" Chris said matter-of-factly.

This was the first time I had really looked at Christina, and I wasn't sure if it was because I was a little boozy, but she looked awfully like Leanne- whom I hadn't spoken to since I had fought with Eric.

"If you think she's like Eric" Will said to Tris "I'm pretty sure I know why"

"I do too" Tris said, though she did not elaborate, I could tell she wasn't the kind to gossip.

But, Christina clearly hadn't seen what Tris and Will had in the training room "ooh what? Tell me" I smiled at the sight of the four friends, it reminded me of when my friends and I had time to sit together.

Tris said nothing, but Will looked like he was bursting, the interested looks on Chris and Al's faces were enough to make him spill "they're together"

"As in they train us together?" Al asked stupidly, as if hoping that's what Will meant.

"No, I mean together together, like, in a relationship"

Chris scoffed, she didn't believe him "as if"

"I mean it, Tris and I saw it! Didn't we?" Tris only shrugged "whatever, we did and they are definitely together, I asked around and people said that I'm right. They've been together since the end of her initiation last year, though I suspect they started seeing each other before then" wow, he really was Erudite.

It was interesting hearing the new bloods opinions, it's nothing I haven't heard before, but still, they don't know our history, they don't know the full story "oh, so he's that kind of instructor" my cheeks flamed red and Adams eyes darted to mine as if to see if I had smoke coming from my nostrils, how dare they insinuate such a thing! They seriously think he's the type to ogle the female initiates? They think he's some kind of pervert?

"Prue..." Adam warned.

"I'll snap their skinny little ne-"

"Eric's a brute, and he's vicious and I'm pretty sure I hate him. But I don't think he's like that. I'm pretty sure he'd be loyal to her" Tris finally spoke up on the matter, and honestly, I could have kissed her.

They went silent for a minute, but Christina must have been unable to keep her curiosity inside "but seriously? Eric? Is she out of her mind?" I'd had enough now, their leaders were not to be gossiped about, and neither were their instructors. Will and Al went ghostly white when they noticed me approaching their table behind Chris and Tris "I mean, wow, ew-"

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now