14~ Ranking

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My eyes opened to a new day, Eric was gone and instead I found Adam by my bedside, his legs resting up on the end of my bed and his head had fallen backwards with his mouth hanging open, the sight made me laugh "hmm?" His head shot up and a relieved expression caught his features as his legs fell to the floor "you're awake!" He sang as he wiped some drool from his lip.

"As are you" I smiled.

He laughed and sat up straight, passing over some water to me "sorry, have you been awake long?"

I sipped the water and nodded "oh yes, I got up and drew a moustache and some glasses on your face"

His eyes widened as he shot out of his chair and grabbed a metal tray to view his reflection "you better not have!"

My laughter echoed through the room and I couldn't help but start snorting "I didn't. But you should have seen your face!"

"I told you I'd hear that laugh one day" Eli had just walked in with Alyssa "what's so funny?"

"She made me think she'd drawn on my face" Adam giggled.

Eli chuckled and sat in Adams chair "genius"

"You wouldn't think so if she'd done it to you" he said as he perched on the bed to my right.

"I think you have to forgive me, Adam, I have been stabbed" I smirked.

Adam rolled his eyes "oh don't start using that as an excuse for everything!" His voice heightened as he started mimicking me " 'Oh, Adam, sorry I broke all the bones in your leg, but I was stabbed' "

"Don't worry, I won't"

"Hey, I heard you were pretty funny under the anaesthetic, apparently you were saying some pretty saucy things to a certain leader" Eli said with a goofy smile.

Alyssa was like Adam, she had a nose for gossip and looked quite angry with herself because she hadn't heard this first "who? Four?" She said as she sat in the hospital bed to my left, behind Eli's chair.

Suddenly I went red, the memory of the day before came flooding back and I remembered everything I said to Eric, Eli noticed the new colour of my face and had no pity "nope. Eric"

"Eric was here?" Alyssa said with her mouth hanging open.

Adam confirmed this before I could "he was here when I came, but he didn't say anything"

My head buried itself in my hands with shame, and Eli started to laugh again "oh dear, what did you say to him? Must have been pretty embarrassing, I don't think I've ever seen you go red"

"It was" I mumbled through the shield of my hands "sexy little piercings" I whispered to myself so that no one else could hear "what an idiot!"


"No, me!" I flattened down my hair and took a breath, once my bangs bounced back I said "can we talk about something else? Literally anything else, the weather-"

"How about our rankings?" Z had just strutted in, she had cut her long hair since the day before, and still she looked beautiful.

"Hey" I greeted her.

I was surprised when she sat on Eli's lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, his hand rested above her hip, how had I missed so much in such little time? I wondered if I had slept for a week "how are you doing?"

My eyes looked at Adam for a second, seeking explanation, but he looked just as surprised as I did "fine- er... did I..." I looked between them "did I miss something?"

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now