36~ Open World

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Eric smirked at me from his infirmary bed, I had just started to nod off waiting for the nurse, but I'd started to wonder if whoever was supposed to be on shift was at Erudite waiting with the others for Tris to do her thing "do you remember that?"

I gave a breathy laugh and rubbed my forehead "partially" I stood up slowly as he chuckled to himself and stood at his side, carefully lifting his shirt to inspect the wound "I don't think anyone's coming you know"

"If only someone had told you we shouldn't have bothered" he mused, looking around him. The infirmary, which was usually in constant use, had not one other soul occupying it, Eric and I were the only ones in the cold and poorly lit space. I got up to find a light and dragged it over, shining it on Eric's wound "I think I can fix it myself if we can find the stuff, it's just a graze"

"Looks deeper than a graze to me..."

"Oh I'm sorry nurse, please, have at it" he gestured animatedly to the gash in his side and my only response was to put my hands up in defeat/surrender "exactly. Get me that tray of shit and I'll see what I can do" I thought it was best to just do as I was told for once and went to fetch the tray of tools "I've patched myself up plenty of times. Piece of cake"

I ran my fingers over one of his many scars as he inspected the wound he had already attempted to patch up back in his apartment "you're not very good at it"

Clearly he didn't care but he jumped straight into stitching himself back together after sterilising everything. I watched with both awe and concern as he did what he could, then when he was done I taped a square bandage over it and sighed in relief "what are you lot doing in my infirmary?" A stone cold voice said from behind.

We turned to see the stern nurse who was rarely seen out of her medical gear and tight grey bun, seeing her in her casual badass Dauntless attire, with her grey hair sitting a bit lower than her shoulders, seemed almost unnatural.

Neither of us attempted to answer her once she saw the bandage "hmm. I'm expecting to be patching a lot of you up. Apparently Max didn't leave Abnegation without a fight. All those people. Such a shame. Still, lucky it wasn't the whole of Abnegation, just a few"

We nodded in agreement as she slipped on a glove and pulled up the corner of Eric's bandage "have you just come from Erudite? Have you seen Tris?"

She didn't take her eyes away from Eric's terrible handy work as she spoke "yes, I treated her after that awful ordeal. Poor thing. To have your parents die and then go through all that nasty business, must be awful. Not unlike your medical abilities, Eric. This is very crude but it'll hold" she carefully laid the bandage back down and pressed the tape back to his side.

"So, Tris did it?" Had she really opened the box? Was everything really about to change?

"Hmm? Oh, yes" she said as she snapped the one glove off "like I say it looked horrible but she opened it, go to a screen now you'll probably see the message she found"

Eric and I left the nurse at the infirmary and made our way to the pit, where the image of a mousy looking woman was being broadcast. When they said to Tris that she could rest and do it in her own time I had thought that they'd give it a couple of days at least, not just a few hours. But then, I supposed she had probably wanted to get it over and done with. We watched as a woman from our cities past explained the Chicago experiment and what it had hoped to accomplish, that Divergent wasn't a threat, but instead a solution.

It was the part when she explained that we should now leave our city, that Eric and I shared a look of uneasiness. Both of us loved Dauntless, both of us had no desire to be a part of some new world, we liked our world the way it was.

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