14~ Truth and Lies

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"What?" Z mumbled through all the food she had stuffed in her mouth.

We had found a rare moment to eat lunch together, which given her busy schedule as a trainee leader meant we hardly saw each other, between her training, spending time with Eli and sleeping anytime in between, we'd only see each other in passing. But since we went to that party her schedule had started to clear up, her training was easing up and we were able to have lunch together for the first time in months.

I wondered if she knew what Erudite were planning, since she was a trainee I didn't think the other leaders would tell her something so high scale. I had asked Eric, he assumed that Z had given me the documents, he suspected that she found them, read them and then slipped them to me. So clearly she didn't know, but I wondered if Drake had attempted to tell her too "nothing"

"You've been staring at me for three hours"

"Don't exaggerate"

"Why not? You're being a freak" she took another bite out of her sandwich and chewed slowly, I had a feeling she was trying to appreciate her free time more.

I frowned at her "if you knew something horrible was going to happen, and you had express orders not to tell me, would you tell me anyway?"

She scoffed and put her sandwich down "what shit are you reading in those books?"

"Z, I'm serious, would you tell me?"

Her eyes searched my features for a moment and her expression softened the longer she looked "in this scenario of yours, the impending doom, do people get hurt?" I nodded "lots of people? Innocents?" I nodded again "then yes, I'd tell you" this answered my question, she didn't know, Drake had only attempted to tell me, but why?

"Thank you" I started eating again, wondering if I should tell her, what good would it do? Neither of us could do anything about it, and if she let on to the other leaders that she knew what was happening they could kill her.

"Woah, wait, you're not gonna tell me what all that was about?"

I shrugged, my eyes glued to my food "it was just a question"

"Yeah, a pretty specific one. Is there something going on that I should know about? Or was that some kinda test of loyalty?" pushing me would do her no good, as long as I didn't look at her she wouldn't know I was lying.

"No, nothing is going on and there's no test. Now can we drop it?" I started swirling my spoon in my soup, in Candor lying was painful, and I winced every time I did it because of my memories of the truth serum, it would pry the truth out of you like a rusty hook if you resisted. Z stood up from her seat leaving her food behind, after all the time we'd spent apart I couldn't understand why she'd leave early "where are you going?"

"You just lied to me, Prue. I don't know why, but knowing you you've probably got a good reason. So I'm not going to ask. But I hope one day you'll trust me enough to tell me" she gave me a genuine smile before leaving, I didn't know what to say, I watched her strut away and didn't even try to call her back. I didn't want to exile her, but I couldn't bring myself to risk her life.

I sat alone for a few minutes, spooning soup only to pour it back into the bowl over and over again, I must really have had a lot on my mind, I don't even like soup "you don't like soup" I looked up to see Thackeray plonk into Z's seat, I bounced my eyebrows and pressed my lips together as I pushed the bowl across the table to him "thanks"

"What's up?"

Thackeray had a look about him that I recognised instantly "you had a bad dream about Darlene again, and you almost slipped?"

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