38~ Z

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Instead of going back to Eric's place I went to accommodation to find Z. Her box of things was gone from the end of her bed and there was no sign that she had ever been there, except the letter Z scratched into her bedpost. I figured she had gone to her new apartment with Eli, and wondered if I ought to have left them alone, but I had made that decision with Alyssa, and I wasn't sure that I could make it again.

I went to their apartment and hesitated before I knocked, there was no template for moments like this, I had only known Alyssa for a short while, but Z had been her best friend, they had known each other since childhood and they had come to Dauntless together, I couldn't begin to compare my pain to hers.

There was a silent pause before the door opened and I saw Eli, looking tired and worn, I could tell he hadn't slept "is Z-"

"Prue?" I heard a sniff "is that you?" Eli stepped aside a little to reveal Z sat down on a gaudy looking sofa. She bounced off the sofa before I could say anything and ran into my arms.

"I'm sorry I ran away" I said quietly as I hugged her back "I didn't mean to leave you there..."

She pulled away and wiped her eyes, a weak smile on her face, I'd never seen her like this except on the first day of fear simulations, and even then she wasn't as broken "it's fine, I'm just- I'm just glad you're okay"

"Me? It's you I'm worried about" she seemed to choke on tears and then said she'd be back in a minute before she ran into the bathroom.

Eli closed the front door and we sat on the sofa "how is she, really?"

The faint impression of Eli that was sat before me sighed "she thinks it's her fault, she was up crying all night and this'll be the second time she's been sick today" his head collapsed into his hands, he was exhausted, it was clear on his features, somehow the situation had aged him several years, and his heavy eyelids attested to that.

"And what about you?"

"She cried for hours until she fell asleep, and then I sat up to keep an eye on her, she kept having bad dreams. I don't know what to do, Prue. Dauntless handle death differently, she was a Candor and she's feeling this like she's been shot in the heart" he rubbed the bridge of his nose, I was glad that this was his problem, because I was constantly going through something similar and it was easy for me to think of a solution for him, which was usually what I did when I was so out of my depth that I was drowning.

I put my hand over his and he looked up at me "you just have to be there for her, okay? You have no idea how much she needs you right now, and you just have to be with her. But, you also need to take care of yourself too, get some sleep" Z came out of the bathroom at that moment, she had bloodshot eyes and shaking fingers, it was awful seeing her like that, a girl who could do anything "go on. I'll do my best to look after her" Eli was reluctant to move but I squeezed his hand and after a few seconds he got up and kissed Z on the cheek before he went into the bedroom "I'm afraid you're stuck with me now" Z hardly noticed that Eli was gone, her eyes were distant and she was somewhere else "how are you?"

She was silent for a short while before she looked at me, a faint smile present on her lips "I just... I can't believe she's really gone. You know? She's always been there" her head drooped and concentrated on her hands in her lap "you know I convinced her to transfer, we both got Dauntless but she was convinced the test was wrong, she wanted to stay. But I was too selfish, I didn't want to come here alone so I begged her to come with me, I convinced her that it was best for her, when really I was- I was just-"

"It's not your fault"

She didn't reply to this statement, she didn't agree or disagree, I wanted to tell her that I blamed myself too, but I was trying to avoid talking about me, this had to be about her "the leaders want to ask me questions"

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