37~ The Brave New World

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5 Years Later

Life in Chicago shifted like the seasons, change happened as the months came and went. I'm sure- whoever you are- you know the story of Tris and Four, what they did once they ventured outside the wall. Who and what they found. I only expect that you know because her story is legend now, there wasn't a person in our city who didn't know her name and what she did. After she died, Four returned and we began to rebuild away from what he and Tris had found and destroyed out there.

The faction system was dismantled, we changed them to sectors, we were allowed to go between them as we pleased, each sector shared their resources and knowledge. We now had Dauntless members learning about law, Erudite members signing up for combat, Amity interning with scientists. No one had to be just one thing and you could wear whatever damn colour you wanted to. We even created a new sector for the Factionless. Although, Factionless could choose to try again for one of the original sectors if they wanted to, but if they didn't they could join the new sector, Amnesty. Whoever thought of the name might have needed a dictionary because no one who was Factionless was convicted of a crime, but I guess it sort of fit, they were being given a new lease of life.

They decided their goal would be to rebuild our city, and after our leaders reached an alliance with the outside world we saw that vision really come into fruition. New resources were being fed to the city and slowly but surely we were seeing real change happening around us.

Sectors weren't about grouping people like the factions did, we kept their names but they just indicated a certain part of the city now. Like the names of towns. Some people were still in the habit of calling themselves Dauntless or Erudite or whatever faction they originally belonged to, and there were of course resistors who wanted to uphold the faction system, and were almost... prejudiced to those of us who moved on from the faction system to sectors.

But let's go a little closer to home, I can tell you that Eli and Z were still together, they were soon to be welcoming a new baby girl into their lives who they'd be naming Alyssa. I for one was so excited to meet her I'd been buying baby stuff for them like crazy. As for Leanne and Drake they found they absolutely couldn't have children of their own, they thought about surrogacy and adoption but they hadn't quite settled on a decision yet. Logan had matured about one percent since five years before, although he had since actually found himself a girlfriend, they'd been together for about a year, so maybe ten percent more mature. Thackeray left the fence about 2 years ago, he stayed in the Dauntless sector but decided to revisit his Erudite past and he'd go there every now and again for studying and an alcoholics group he founded in Darlenes memory. Adam, Uriah, Tris and the other Dauntless who died in that time got a true Dauntless send off that lasted about two weeks before everyone was too hungover to continue, and Adam's younger sister from Amity transferred over at her choosing ceremony (which had also changed a lot,) she and her girlfriend went through initiation last year and of course passed with flying colours just like her brother did.

Four went into government, which is the LAST thing I expected I won't lie to you, but he still stayed in the Dauntless compound even though he decided he would join the Amnesty sector, because Amnesty was not only for Factionless it was also for anyone who tested Divergent and didn't want to feel like they had to be just one thing, even though that wasn't a rule for any faction anymore.

Now, I suppose you'd be wondering about Eric and I. Eric, Leanne and Drake decided to stay on as Dauntless leaders, they fully trained up Z and brought her up as one too, and about 3 years ago another man named Felix joined them after he passed his initiation from Dauntless itself. Leanne insisted I try for leadership but I couldn't think of anything worse, I was so content with the control room and training initiates that I didn't want some big flashy job, although when it wasn't initiation I did start doing a bit of retail too on the weekends in the Dauntless shops, which I enjoyed.

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