1~ Instructors Training

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"And, what are the new rules for one on one fights in the ring?"

"You've asked me that one already"

"I'm asking again, what are the new rules?"

I sighed "no one concedes, which is a pretty foul rule, if you ask me"

Eric held up his free hand defensively, the other hand was holding my study book "I didn't come up with it" I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms, he smirked "okay, I might have... suggested it"


"What? When you're in a real fight your opponent won't stop just because you ask"

I frowned, it was still a horrendous rule and I would probably have refused to fight if it was around during my training... no, I wouldn't have, I was too afraid of Eric "it's still barbaric, we're supposed to train them, not kill them"

"It's not a fight to the death, babe" might as well have been...

There was no way I was going to dissuade him, there were some things I just couldn't control and I had learned to live with that "whatever, you're the leader" I crossed my arms, I knew I couldn't change his mind, but I could make him feel bad.

He understood the game I was playing almost instantly and dropped the Instructor's Training book, so that he could wrap his arms around my waist and press kisses to my neck "don't be mad"

My hand lifted so that I could inspect my fingernails as I said "I'm not mad"

An irritated growl escaped his lips, I had him right where I wanted him "it's not my fault the rules are changing" well, it was partially his fault, he had a say in what rules passed and which ones didn't.

"Perhaps" I said as I turned in his arms to face him, leaning up to his ear "we should leave the training for now... after all initiation isn't until next week" when I looked at his face I saw him smirking, I always loved wiping that off of his face. I leant up to kiss him and after a few seconds I took his bottom lip in my teeth and pulled on it a little, when I let it go his eyes were wild "what do you say?"

His answer wasn't verbal, he grabbed my butt and lifted me so that I could wrap my legs around his middle, I laughed and kissed him as he walked us into the bedroom of his apartment.


I walked down to the cafeteria for dinner alone, Eric had a meeting with the other leaders and I'd have had to rush off anyway, Four was doing the Instructors Course again- the same one I was doing- so I had to pick up his shift in the control room. I only had ten minutes to eat as I had spent most of dinner with Eric, and by the time I got there I only had five left "you look chipper" Adam commented as he skipped next to me.

"I do?"

"Yes darling, you do. Let me guess, amazing sex?"

I grinned as I remembered what I had been doing only minutes before, at one point he had me practically screaming "the best sex"

"How would you know? You've never slept with anyone else"

"And I never will"

Adam pulled a face "right. You know, Thackeray gets back from the fence tonight"

Now I pulled a face as we entered the canteen and sat in our usual seats "so?"

My friend started grabbing both of us food, I knew he did this so that I had to be focused on what he was saying "so, he's into you, and since he's been off the booze he's turned out to be a really decent guy" did Adam really think that Thackeray was over Darlene's death? Even after a little less than a year he was still clinging to her memory.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now