19~ Monsters

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I had been left outside of the fence, I had no idea how I got there, I only knew I couldn't get back in. I banged on the large door until my fists bled, screaming for them to let me in, but there was no one there, the Amity farms were deserted, the fence wasn't being guarded.

"LET ME IN!" I screamed, something was coming towards me, a dark shadow was floating towards the city, a thunderous roar along with it "LET ME IN! I BELONG THERE! PLEASE!" I looked behind me and saw the shadow getting closer "get Eric from Dauntless, he'll tell you! Let me in! LET! ME! IN!" My fists had become nothing but bloody stumps by now, I had beat them against the door until I couldn't feel them anymore.

With great fear in me I looked back again, the shadow was even closer, and then I realised that no one was guarding the fence, it would get to the city "no no no no no... NO! HELLO?! YOU FUCKING MORONS ITS COMING!" There was no one to hear me. I looked back once more and saw giant shadow monsters detach themselves from the larger shadow, they stomped towards me, each step shaking the earth. I tried to calm myself, I tried to breathe, but I couldn't take my eyes away from the monsters, taller than the largest building in Chicago they would easily destroy the city, Eric and Adam, Eli and Z, Alyssa, they would all be killed, they'd be gone forever.

"No..." I whispered as one came for me "no! No no no no no! NOOOOOOO-"

"-ooooooo" suddenly I was back in the chair, looking around me for monsters, I checked my hands next, they were okay, they weren't bloody stumps at all.

"That was... that was bad. Prue" Four said in a concerned tone.

I nodded in agreement "yeah, probably one of my worst fears" ever since I had stood on the fence it had always been in the back of my mind.

"No, Prue, I mean you, you were bad"

I bit down on my lip for a moment before it fully registered "wai- what?"

How could I have been bad? I got out of the sim, didn't I? "You didn't calm yourself or fight at all, I had to manually bring you out of the sim"

"I don't... I don't understand, wouldn't I have come out of it eventually anyway?"

The look on his face made me worry "there have been cases where people have been under for too long, cases where they didn't- survive"

My eyes widened to the size of saucers "what?! You mean this could actually kill someone?"

"It's possible"

"Possible" I muttered to myself in a high pitched voice "possible?! I could have really died?!"

Four seemed reluctant to say anymore "that was your longest time yet, thirty five minutes" I thought it best to not argue with him, so I just groaned into my hands, I must have been right at the bottom of the rank board "on the bright side you don't freak out when you wake up anymore, you had the fire one again yesterday and you were fine"

"I'd hardly call crying for ten minutes 'fine' " I said fine in a deeper voice, attempting to mimic Four.

"And yet you say this is a greater fear, why aren't you crying now?"

I shrugged "I don't know, I guess I can actually feel myself burning in the fire sim, but in the monster one, they're just running at me, there's not really any physical pain"

Four sat down on his stool and looked me dead in the eyes "your rank has fallen substantially since you started the sims, it takes you too long and you're not calming down" he sat up straight, crossed his arms and sighed all in one movement, there was something he wanted to say, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to say it "look, Prue, I don't care what's going on between you and Eric, I do think you should be more careful around him but that's your business" I had started to become rigid, I still hated anyone who brought that up "but if it would help, we can have him here when you're doing the sims, just for the next two or so"

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now