32~ Small Crime

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As soon as everyone had finished their final tests we all went back to accommodation to dress up in our best clothes, I put on some new underwear and a black dress that Leanne had bought me, I tied my hair up in the usual ponytail and had my makeup done by Z. She looked beautiful too, she was also wearing a little dress and probably all the makeup she owned. We decided to dress up now because we knew we wouldn't have time after the rankings were revealed, everyone would head straight to a big party in the Pit.

Before we went for dinner I grabbed Alyssa and hugged her, she had performed normally during the simulations and if I didn't already know what she was I wouldn't have known any different "you did so well. I'm so proud of you"

She hugged me back as tight as she could and buried her head in my shoulder, I knew today would be hard for her "thanks. And I'm proud of you too" she pulled back and pecked a kiss on my cheeks and wiped a few stray tears from her eyes.

"Hey, none of that. This is going to be an amazing night. Come on" the others had already left by now so I took Alyssa's hand in mine and we walked to the dining hall together. Once we arrived we could see that everyone was in their glad rags, ready for a party. We ate dinner and pudding and then the tables were cleared, people climbed and stood on them or just stayed sat down, and when the leaders arrived they all started to cheer.

Max held up his hands to silence them and everyone slowly stopped shouting, he went into a short speech about all the things the Dauntless valued and how he expected us to maintain them, and that just because initiation was over it didn't mean we could start slacking off. The part I was most interested in was when he started talking about how we'll choose what jobs we move into, it will depend on our rankings, which Four had told us on the first day but I had slept since then.

Then he pointed to a large screen behind him and said the rankings would appear there in a moment, after he talked about how glad he was to officially welcome us to his faction, though I think he should have told his face that he was glad. While he was saying this my eyes ventured to Eric, who was shamelessly staring at me intently, I grinned before Max announced that the rankings were appearing now.

1. Alyssa (I knew it)

2. Zanthea.

I looked back at Z and saw that she was blushing, I didn't realise her name was short for anything "Zanthea?" I cried.

"Shut up and look!"

When I looked back at the board my eyes widened.

3. Prudence

"What?!" I exclaimed, I had no idea I had been doing so well.

4. Eli

5. Adam

6. Fiona

7. Ellie

8. Zack

9. Lilith

10. Leo

11. Tarrant

12. Libby

13. Thackeray

When I turned around again I saw that Z had jumped on Eli's lap and was sucking the life out of his face. Adam had started exchanging saliva with who I assumed was Crash. Alyssa was hugging Fiona who she had become friends with, and all I wanted to do was hug Eric.

I looked up at where the other leaders were standing but he wasn't there, my eyebrows narrowed as I looked all around the room and looked at Z, her mouth was hanging open and when I looked where she was looking I saw Eric approaching me, a rare smile on his face. My grin stretched further than I thought possible and jumped off of the table. I didn't care that people were watching, initiation was over and the rules didn't matter anymore, I ran at the man I wanted to be with and jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his middle and pressing my lips to his.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now