25~ Failure

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Retrieving the documents had not gone smoothly, Melissa was adamant that they had to be delivered to Max right away, and we knew that she'd report back to Max and Kang everything that happened, she'd tell them about Drake and I, we had to let her and Sarah go. So really, we didn't retrieve the documents at all.

Drake was fuming as we walked towards accommodation, he wanted those documents so that he could read all the fine print before he and the rest of the leaders signed it blindly, he'd hoped that it would give more insight into what Erudite were planning. I knew he blamed me for everything, it was because of my personal connection to Melissa that screwed everything up.

After I apologised profusely we parted ways to our own apartments, I couldn't sleep that night, I kept thinking about how badly I had messed up, losing those documents set Drakes plan back days, he needed that information and because of me we'd lost it.

And the night only got worse from there.

I heard commotion outside of my door that night, different from the usual sounds of partying and drunkards, when I opened my door to see what was going on I saw Leanne and Drake fly down the stairs, and then Eric a few moments later "Eric!" He stopped and looked at me, urgency riddled throughout his person "what's going on?"

"Someone's gone over the Chasm"

We rushed there together, him in front and me slightly behind. I didn't know who we were going to find, and I dreaded it was Uriah. Sweat was trickling down my neck like a small waterfall, what if I hadn't taught him well enough? What if they found out anyway? What if they killed him? What if they killed Alyssa too? I kept looking at the back of Eric's head as he ran, I didn't know what I was thinking, I only knew that Uriah was Divergent, and that Eric would want him dead.

When we reached the Chasm a small crowd had gathered to watch two men heave a body up from the crushing waters, they were all whispering and theorising what had caused that person to jump. I saw Eli and Adam standing near Tris and her friend, whispering to each other, I left Eric and stood with them.

"Hey" Eli said as he saw me.

"Who is it? Do they know?"

Eli nodded and just as he did the body was hauled to the surface and laid down on the floor. I recognised Tris' friend Al immediately, he was certainly dead and I felt guilty about being relieved that it wasn't Uriah, I felt relieved for myself because it meant I hadn't screwed up again "one of the initiates" Adam said "what happened?"

I thought of Adams ignorance, it was clear what had happened, either someone pushed him or he jumped "same thing that happens every year" Eli replied "he pitched himself over the edge"

My eyes flicked down to Tris, her shoulders tensed every time Adam or Eli said something, I realised then how inconsiderate they were being "don't be so morbid. Could have been an accident"

"They found him in the middle of the Chasm. You think he tripped over his shoelace and... whoopsies, just stumbled fifteen feet forward?"

My thoughts moved away from Tris and the two boys, Alyssa was different, based on Eli's assumption she had been pushed, I was sure of it now. But there was nothing I could do with this information, there was no one to tell because everyone had forgotten now, in the minds of the Dauntless it was an accident, the rest of them had moved on.


The Dauntless partied all night, as they did after they had found Alyssa, Eric had made an entire speech about Al's bravery and I wondered if whoever spoke last year said the same thing about my friend. Was she brave? Or was she scared?

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now