27~ I Am Divergent

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Our next session of fear simulations the next day was different to the day before- where we had each faced as many fears as we could within an hour- we each went in separately this time for an hour each with only our instructors to watch, a lot of us were relieved as some people didn't want the others seeing them face their worst fears, Z came and found me once she was finished and told me how much easier it was, knowing that the rest of the initiates weren't watching.

By the time the Dauntless-born girl who always went before me, came and told me she was finished and Four was waiting, I was relaxed because I had realised that Four could help Alyssa now without anyone watching, maybe I wouldn't lose my friend after all.

During my hour session I had managed to get through three simulations, Four said I could probably have done more had it not taken me so long to get over being burned alive, but it had been so realistic and knowing that it was a sim didn't help. After the hour had passed I went to fetch Eli and then went shopping with Z, she had started liking dresses and she admitted to me it was because it gave Eli easier access, to which I pretended to throw up and went to look at the trousers without her.

We waited around, bought a new outfit each, until Eli, Adam and Alyssa caught up with us, we sat down for dinner and everyone was swapping stories about the fears they had faced and how quickly they had gotten through them, but my focus was on the leaders table. For once I wasn't staring at Eric, I was waiting until Drake got up, him and his wife, Leanne, another leader, usually left the table earlier than the rest.

Halfway through dinner they said goodbye to the other three leaders and got up to leave, I casually got out of my chair and stood just outside of the doorway to wait for them "Drake"

"Prue, you alright?"

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine" before I could say anything else Leanne cleared her throat.

"Sorry, Leanne, this is Prue, one of our initiates. Prue, this is Leanne, my wife and one of your leaders" we shook hands while she gave me a pleasant smile. Leanne was half the size of Drake, she had dark hair, full lips, brown eyes and olive skin, and like Z she was every mans dream, Drake was certainly a lucky man.

"Hello, Prue. How are you enjoying initiation so far?" Leanne asked.

I didn't know what to say, I couldn't decide if 'enjoying' was the correct word "er- Yeah, it's good, difficult, but I think I'm where I want to be"

"So, why have you ambushed us?" Drake said with a teasing laugh.

My first thought was if I could talk about Eric around Leanne, just because they were married doesn't mean he told her everything, she could tell the other three leaders and Eric would be fired "I didn't ambush you, I just wanted to ask if you could do me a favour?"

He raised an eyebrow and looked at me knowingly, so I nodded "sure. Lee, I'll see you at home"

She frowned and was only a few paces away before she spun around and said "you'd tell me if you were having an affair, wouldn't you?"

"Oh... no" I stuttered out "we're not..."

"Babe, I'll always choose you, and you know, life" Leanne smirked and strutted away.

Once she was gone I asked Drake if he could give Eric a message, it had to be him because no one else could approach the leaders table without attracting too much attention to themselves, and Drake was the only person I knew wouldn't ignore me or look at me like I was beneath him. With a nod he headed back into the cafeteria and came out a few minutes later to tell me Eric agreed, then I ran off to the training room. I had asked for Eric to meet me there in half an hour.

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