5~ Beatrice

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We had arrived at the terrifying entrance to the Dauntless compound, I looked around at the initiates to see who had made it so far, already we had had one casualty, a Dauntless-born did not make it onto the roof from the train, there had been some hysteria but that was over now, I could see the initiates counting their lucky stars, they had no idea the worst was yet to come.

The majority of the transfers had made it, nine of them, I couldn't remember if all of them had made the climb up to the train platform, but from what I could remember from the Choosing Ceremony were all here. Even the Abnegation girl, Beatrice. As I was mentally examining everyone Eric was already on the ledge, his speech was much the same as the year before "all right, listen up! I'm Eric, I'm one of your leaders" it was going well so far, all the initiates looked suitably scared of him based off of his rank and appearance "if you want to enter Dauntless, this is the way in" he gestured to the hole behind him, yet again, just like last year, he was emotionless to their fear "and, if you don't have the guts to jump, then you don't belong in Dauntless"

"Is there water at the bottom or something?" An Erudite boy asked, I'd say he reminded me of Thackeray, but he didn't.

"I guess you'll find out" I choked back a laugh as I watched them mentally piss themselves, many tried to swallow their nerves but were even more shaken when Eric added "or not" I wanted to smack him for purposefully terrifying them "someone's gotta go first. Who's it gonna be?" We waited for a few seconds as the initiates debated with themselves, I had predicted that the cocky Candor would go first, but he was carefully inspecting his shoelaces while rubbing his eye.

"Me" a feminine voice spoke up, I looked at every girl except Beatrice, but they were all as shocked as I was to realise that she had spoken.

Eric contained his surprise and effortlessly jumped off the ledge, Beatrice timidly approached where Eric had been standing and peered over the edge, she immediately looked back at Eric as if to ask if this was a cruel joke, but Eric's eyes had gone dark and he looked back at her evenly, though I could see the menacing joy behind them.

Beatrice peeled off her thin cardigan and threw it down, a snide comment was made from the small crowd "yeah, stiff, take it off" but he seemed to reconsider this comment "put it back on" I glared at him, I wished I could push him off the ledge first, so that he would not fall out of bravery, but because his idiocy had gotten him pushed.

I'm not sure that Beatrice had heard him, but by the time I looked back at her she was standing on the ledge, looking down into the unknown "today, initiate" Eric had said in a bored tone.

And then, after a deep breath, she jumped.

I already knew everyone would be talking about the Abnegation that jumped first at dinner, she'd have been famous for that alone, however I had a feeling that Beatrice was not done surprising us.

We watched the others jump one by one until Eric and I were left on the roof, we waited until we could no longer hear the chatter below and knew that Four had taken the initiates off for their tour, this time Eric wouldn't join them at the bottom of the net like he had done last year with us. Eric gestured to the net and smiled coldly "ladies first"

I gestured back and said "age before beauty"

Neither of us were scared to jump, we were just happy to have an excuse to insult each other "scared?"

"Not on your life!" I leapt up on the ledge and looked down, as I turned to look back to Eric so that he would see how unafraid I was as I fell, I instead saw him running at me, before I could react he had one foot on the edge and his large arms were wrapped around me. We were falling together, I laughed the whole way down until we hit the net and our heads collided with a sickening crack, I put my hand over my forehead and laughed some more, Eric also chuckled beside me as he waited for the net to be still so that he could get on top of me "your head is like a rock" I laughed, still massaging my skull.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now