8~ Hair

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I'd kept my promise to Alyssa, the next day we stretched and sparred together, Adam partnered with Z and seemed quite content, every so often he'd tell her how much he adored her hair, if I didn't already know that she wasn't his type I'd have been worried he was going to propose to her.

"First and last jumper, in the ring" I knew it was Eric giving this order before I even looked around, he was standing beside the ring, fiddling with one of the knives and waiting for Z and I to join him.

"Why's he making us fight again?" I asked the curvy girl as we were approaching the ring together.

Z scoffed, her eyes firm on Eric "he probably has wet dreams about the first one" I laughed as we stepped up into the ring and got into stance, we knew the rules.

The fight started quickly, she let me go first this time and dodged me easily, I had a sinking feeling that luck wouldn't help me win this one.

I was quick, and I think that worked to my advantage, but she must have been studying me, because she knew every move that I was going to make, a few minutes in and she'd managed to punch me in every place she was aiming for. After a knee to the stomach I was on the floor, spitting out blood from the many times she'd gotten me in the jaw. I was on my hands and knees, trying to think of ways I could turn this around, I sat up to hit her but she grabbed the hair at the top of my scalp and punched me hard, I fell sideways and rolled onto my stomach.

Adam was at the side whispering "tap out, you've had enough" but I didn't want to go down so easily, I tried getting back up, lifting myself off of the floor, but her foot kicked me in the back and sent me back down onto my stomach, coughing and moaning "come on she's had enough" I heard Adam plead with the instructors, when I looked up I saw Eric holding a hand up to both Adam and Four, telling them to shut up.

The next thing I knew Z had the end of my hair in her fist, I screamed and tried to fight back but she did just as I had done, she pulled my head back while her foot was pushing my back forwards, I understood why she had scratched at me so viciously when I had done this, it was as though she was pulling on my brain "alright, Z you made your point. Z wins, out of the ring"

Z released my hair with a grunt and jumped out of the ring, I lay on the floor for a moment, aching all over and bleeding from my nose and mouth. Adam got in to help me up, and stood in front of me to check my face over, I already knew I'd have a good amount of bruises. Someone was also getting into the ring behind me, before I could turn to see who it was, they had my hair "I've told you two time and time again, your long hair makes you vulnerable"

"Eric, don't" Four said.

The next thing I heard was a slicing sound, and suddenly my hair didn't feel so heavy on my head, Adams face told me what Eric had just done, and tears started to prick at my eyes. My body turned slowly, I saw half of my hair in Eric's fist, detached from the rest, the knife he had been fiddling with in his other hand. He looked unapologetic, almost proud of himself. I couldn't tell you what took over me in that moment, all I could see was red and my hand swinging out of nowhere "Prue don't!" Adam shouted.

Before I could stop myself I had hit Eric, the sound of it echoing throughout the room. I could hardly see through my tears, I saw Eric look at me with dangerous eyes, his fist tightening around the knife he was holding. A searing anger was flowing through my veins like fire, tears were streaming down my cheeks, mixing with the blood from my nose.

"Prue" I heard Four's deep voice coaxing me out of whatever trance I was in, I looked back at Eric and suddenly realised who I had dared to hit. I gasped and stepped backwards with my hand over my mouth, but I didn't apologise because I wouldn't have meant it.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now